Still nothing from the police about Linda's killer. They're actively dodging questions now. Pretty clear they have nothing.
Our last big flemmish giant rabbit passed today. Scout. Was 7 years old and super cuddly. The wife found him this morning.
Wife did the taxes today. Together we somehow owe over 600, even though we both claim 0 and she has extra taken out. By herself she gets a 100 back and I owe over a grand somehow.
After finding this out she said that she's worth more dead than alive and if her cancer comes back she's not going to treat it because she's over everything and done.
Meanwhile one of my college professors asked me to apply for the open position of chief of police for his small town. They've been looking to fill the position since September.
I initially declined because I'm in no way up for that kind of a job. But, hug it I guess. This week I'm babysitting a server farm they're building in KC for Patmos. Patmos is the online storage host for, as they call them, digital exiles. They'll host anyone and refuse to take them down regardless of political or other pressures. So you can guess who their clients are. Their techs are all russian, their head of security is an israeli. and i'm the guard who sits by the door and babysits the dock. For people who give a voice online to those who probably shouldn't be spreading their views.
Sure is a wonderful life.