New "Wildocking" Animal Limb Combiners from TakaraTomy


Well-known member
Looks like there will be more than the 4 more that the bio page suggests. More listings found by TFW:

"Cutoff date is 3/13 for all of them, release date is apparently 6/30. No images. They cost $16.99 in USD, and come in WKS and WKB categories.

Transformers WKB-05 Energy Beast Ignite Bite
Transformers WKB-06 Energy Beast Spirituan
Transformers WKB-07 Energy Beast Drill Horn
Transformers WKB-08 Energy Beast Thunder Beak
Transformers WKB-09 Energy Beast Abyss Rain
Transformers WKS-03 Nemesis Prime & Lavamuleta Wild Docking Set
Transformers WKS-04 Shadow Megatron & Frost Saber Wild Docking Set
Transformers WKB-10 Energy Beast Sky Report

-Zacwilliam, So that's cool even if the next two masters are just obvious repaints


Well-known member
Japanese Twitter is having fun with these already:


  • 20250318_154427.jpg
    193.5 KB · Views: 55


Another babka?
I find it interesting that the bios for these guys state that the War is over and Optimus and Megs have reconciled.

The main figures look good. Like... that's just a really good Prime and a really good Megatron.

Strangely the whole "Wild" part is the part I'm less into. They're just... sorta... not catching me.

But I wouldn't mind that OP and Megs as a set.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Wow, Drillhorn/Drill Horn is having a big year.

I'm intrigued by those listings, and I'm wondering which of the existing molds I'd prefer "lavamuleta" to be (maybe the Hydrophant mode). Or, if a new mold, what beast I'd like to see it be (maybe a stegosaurus! 🤩)


Continuity Nutcase
Wildking Bios! curtest of Takara's Page and my phones aut-translate (so... yeah)
In case anyone is interested, the story as slightly wonkily translated by iphone:
I got this. *cracks knuckles*

Transformers: Wild King



Metallic life forms that transform into vehicles such as cars and tanks, as well as living creatures such as giraffes and Tyrannosaurus Rex!

What is WILD KING?
The story takes place on Elementros, a planet with unknown powers. The main character, Optimus Prime, descends upon this land in pursuit of his ally, Megatron. There, Optimus encounters a giraffe-like Transformer named "Lightlong", who is an Energy Beast. According to Lightlong, the Energy Beasts, which take the form of animals and dinosaurs that live on Elementros, possess the power of five attributes called "Elemental Energy": fire, water, earth, nature, and lightning. Then, Megatron suddenly attacks. With the power of their bond, Optimus and Lightlong awaken the ability to transform and combine via "Wildocking". Optimus joins forces with the animals, while Megatron commands the dinosaurs. What will be their fate...?!


The dependable leader of the righteous Autobot army. He was once in conflict with Megatron, the leader of the evil Decepticon army, but they have now reconciled and are cooperating with each other. Megatron sets off ahead in search of the power to protect his homeworld, but his communications suddenly cut off, and Optimus sets out in pursuit of him. Optimus arrives on the unknown planet of Elementros, where he meets the unique Energy Beasts, and through their bonding he acquires a new ability, "Wildocking", to stop the rampage of Megatron and the dinosaurs!


Energy Master MEGATRON
The powerful leader of the evil Decepticon army. He has now made peace with Optimus Prime, the leader of the righteous Autobot army, and has been building up their strength to protect their mutual home planet, Cybertron. One day, he discovers the planet Elementros, which is said to have unknown powers, and decides to arrive there ahead of the others. By the time Optimus arrived at the planet in pursuit of Megatron, he had already acquired a new ability: "Wildocking". What is the purpose of the ferocious dinosaurs that are closing in on Optimus...?!


Energy Beast LIGHTLONG
A giraffe-shaped Transformer who is curious about everything. He possesses "Lightning Energy" within his body, allowing him to control the power of lightning. He is the first Energy Beast to meet Optimus and ends up working alongside him. In order to face the sudden threat of Megatron, he and Optimus awaken the powers of Wildocking!


An elephant-type Transformer with a kind heart and a very timid personality. He possesses "Aqua Energy" within his body, allowing him to control the power of water. He is not very confident in himself, but Lightlong knows that he has incredible power hidden within. In order to protect what is important to him, he learns from Optimus the courage to stand up to his enemies and grows as a person!


A Tyrannosaurus-type Transformer who seeks strength above all else and hates to lose. He possesses "Flame Energy" within his body, allowing him to control the power of fire. Enticed by Megatron's strength and charisma, he works alongside him and believes him to be the legendary hero. He is the leader of the dinosaurs, and is trying to verify a certain legend passed down among the dinosaur tribe...!


Energy Beast LEAFBACK
A Triceratops-type Transformer who is extremely straight-laced and hates any and all crookedness. He possesses "Grass Energy" within his body, allowing him to control the power of nature. His rushing power is No. 1 among the dinosaurs, on par with that of Drillnohorn. He trusts Captain Volca, and was invited by him to meet Megatron. For some reason, he believes that the more horns one has, the smarter they are...!
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Continuity Nutcase
The reformed Megatron is no saint either. For someone who's supposed to be redeemed, he sure is leading Captain Volca on by letting him think Megs is some prophesized hero of legend.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
The reformed Megatron is no saint either. For someone who's supposed to be redeemed, he sure is leading Captain Volca on by letting him think Megs is some prophesized hero of legend.
I mean, if we assume that Megatrons cross-historically take their name from the entries in the Covenant of Primus, that wouldn't necessarily be wrong....


Another babka?
I'll be extremely surprised if we don't get a purple one in the future, even if not specifically BW Megs, just having a Purple Trex to combine with Megatron will be enough for most people I think.
I can't say for certain, but G1 Megatron who turns into a combiner with four BW Megatrons as limbs feels like something out of a 90s fanfic


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The main figures look good. Like... that's just a really good Prime and a really good Megatron.

Strangely the whole "Wild" part is the part I'm less into. They're just... sorta... not catching me.

This is how I'm feeling. The aesthetic mishmash of it doesn't do it for me. They can say that's the point. They can say whatever they want about Elemental Energy. It's a clash. I prefer something that picks a theme and sticks to it. Get this Prime a combining trailer or a Wing Saber. Or turn Prime and Megatron into beasts. I don't know if I'd prefer that option since this Megatron looks really good as is, but who knows. Maybe that would be just as good. Just as long as it all matches.


Continuity Nutcase
Some more information from the toy pages:

WKS-01 Optimus Prime & Lightlong Wildocking Set

Load the Matrix with Lightning Energy!
Lighting Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime in his Wildocking form with Lightlong. When the Matrix and Lightning Energy resonate with each other, they can unleash lightning-attribute attacks!

WKS-01 Megatron & Captain Volca Wildocking Set

Load the Transform Cog with Flame Energy!
Flame Megatron

Megatron in his Wildocking form with Captain Volca. When the Transform Cog and Flame Energy resonate with each other, they can unleash fire-attribute attacks!

Only these two sets have any information on their pages. The pages for the other toys have no such text.

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