Close enough, he's not the aim of the joke so I'm not exactly pressed about the accuracy on him.Spot? You mean Bullseye?
Close enough, he's not the aim of the joke so I'm not exactly pressed about the accuracy on him.Spot? You mean Bullseye?
You are correct about that. I didn't buy either of Hasbro's titan combiners because I already owned Hercules and Feral Rex. Both of which are fantastic display pieces, but as mentioned, do suffer from their own weight.I and a friend who has the Titan took pictures of them side by side when POTP Predaking came out. It illustrates well the problem a lot of 3rd party combiners had, despite being shorter, the LACK of hollowness actually impairs the posability as the joints of the heavier built one didn't hold up it's weight well. The hips kept collapsing as we tried to do this. Still, it was a great display, even if it was hard to actually pick UP Feral Rex. Lots of slide-ey parts...
No, but now you've left me hankering for a Transformers x 7up Collaborative figure.Close enough, he's not the aim of the joke so I'm not exactly pressed about the accuracy on him.![]()
Part of me wants them to re-release Spinister with some actual targetmasters.
I think that's where I get confused as to the people who start arguments on the various options. They exist because different people want different things. Hasbro Predaking is a MUCH better toy for actually doing toy-things. Feral Rex was a great centerpiece, but for letting a kid actually try to play with it? I'd have been terrified for the figure and the kid both, and that's why it got sold off during the crisis mess. Titan Devestator stuck around as I have no worries about my nephew playing with it, it's gone to his place multiple times and it's Tonka-like construction has probably saved it many times over.
I've heard Hercules was a lot less 'fragile/fiddly', though. I've never handled or seen one in RL myself. Did it have as many mass/support issues?
The red on the G1 toy looks pretty bright in these toy galleries:I wonder where they even got those colors from.
He was scarier to transform then my G1 Thunderclash.That clear starscream scares me just by looking at it.