Now combine them!
Huh, never did work Slammer into this....
Upon seeing that only one thing came to mind:
Now combine them!
Huh, never did work Slammer into this....
To be fair a Transformers toyline without a cartoon, in the West anyway, was unheard of. Even G2 got a repackaged G1 show. If you were a teen or adult fan in the late 90s the idea that they wouldn't have some sort of animation to push a line would have been wild.When doing some research awhile back, I watched the Bob Forward panel video YouTube from BotCon 1997, and while the majority of the questions asked of him were appropriately Beast Wars related, there were some in the room who just kept on pestering and badgering him about a Machine Wars cartoon that Bob had no knowledge of or association with since it was never even going to be a thing. Yet so many in that room were so sure that such a cartoon was coming and that Bob and Larry were definitely making it.
It's crazy, but if you look at the Machine Wars packaging it's almost beat for beat imitating the Beast Wars packaging. It just swaps the red scales out for metal grating.I kind of want to find out more about how Hasbro came up with the name. Like I'm sure it was some variation of "try to be consistent with current branding, so Something Wars" and "to go with Wars, Vehicle sounds too on the nose and has too many syllables, got anything with two syllables?", but I'm curious if anything else was a factor.
I'm convinced whoever did the decos was an Eastern European military nerd who slapped everything together one night after getting drunk watching a CNN special on rising tensions in the region. Megatron and Megaplex don't end up Polish and Estonian by accident.And really, the rest of it too. Like was it a small team within a team tasked with this, were they on a sharp deadline, was it just one guy who liked military decos, was he drunk a lot, how did the box art come about (this not too long after Some Kind Of Bucket)...