Both GoldyMarg and Road Ranger are being a bit sneaky.Goldymag "Day three hundred, they still haven't realised that I'm not apart of their kind!!"
Road Ranger at least had the forethought to disguise himself in a Cybertronian Transformer body.Both GoldyMarg and Road Ranger are being a bit sneaky.
Well the good news is that Steeljaw's sticker set is being sold for $0.01
Sigh... okay, how much?
BMOG. And the part wasn't actually designed as a windvane adapter (none of the BMOG parts were specific Upgrade Kit stuff like that), it was just a 5mm port T-junction. But the "knights" theme meant there was suddenly more of an impetus to find a way to have the mold use the windvane-gun untransformed as a shield, and one of the colors they'd produced the relevant accessory set in was bright orange, so they checked whether it would work, discovered it would, and showed it off.At BotCon 2014, Greg Sepelak and Trent Troop were selling a line of accessory toys that consisted of little weapons that could be assembled to form miniature animals, and one of these pieces was an adapter designed to let the wind vane be held as a shield.
This was around the start of when Hasbro began cracking down on the presence of third party toys being sold in the dealer room, and the two had had a go at it trying to convince Hasbro that their products weren't third party Transformers since they neither transformed at all nor were based on any of Hasbro's IP. They just had a similar compatibility in the use of 5mm ports, which seem to make them similar enough to third party toys in Hasbro's eyes at the time.
I can't remember what the name of their line was, unfortunately. And I missed out on getting a wind vane shield adapter for myself.
Okay, Thew, stop hacking TMM's account.Knee meters. Kneeters, if you will.
Which one is HP and which is MP?What an odd yet fun design flourish...
Yes.Which one is HP and which is MP?
Which one is HP and which is MP?
Oh, good news for me, then! I was only referring to Steeljaw's.Well the good news is that Steeljaw's sticker set is being sold for $0.01
The Target Prime set, though, was... $39.99 more
Kicker is I didn't even use all of it. I actually like the Target truck alt mode so I kept that. I just used the set to pick out some alt mode detailing and give the trailer interior some pop because... yeah. The start white ER trailer wasn't doing it for me.