Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Wondering bot
The protection case has been dispatched today and that should arrive tomorow, but I still have to wait for the phone its self as that not due for a couple of more days


Somehow still sane
I haven't had much use for earbuds outside the gym, so I've been using this old pair of janky unknown Chinese brand ones I won at a Christmas party raffle or something a couple years ago. They finally died on me so I bought some new ones from a company called Earfun. It's my understanding that they aren't top of the line or anything and they're the next-latest model but they're leagues better. The old pair didn't even have a battery indicator and the sound quality was relatively crap. Can't complain too much since the old ones were a prize but the new pair are great and only about $30.
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Wondering bot
My new phone arrived the other day, its now all setup and I'm using it, a few things I'm still sort of figuring out, but I pretty much got everything of importance dealt with, aside from the fact that the old one was thiner, this new one is thicker but has a bigger memory, also the volume is FAR louder than my previous phone, so overall, I am pretty pleased with it, if anyone is looking for a desent phone that you don't have to pay a bomb for, then the Sumsung Galaxy A15 is one I would recomend, thou do your reserach prior as a precaution!


I just got carded. Talk about one of your feel good moments!
I got carded trying to buy some Christmas booze a few years ago, which really confused me, because I wear a beard and my chin is entirely grey, and I pointed this out as I handed over my ID, but the cashier said "well, you look young".

And any goodwill this comment may have generated was undone a moment later when she looked at my license and said "Wow, you are old!"

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
They really should not have discharged him from the hospital the last time he was there because I genuinely have no idea what the hug happened with him but it was like:
  • 30 April - My grandpa can't piss and he feels like his bladder is going to explode because the urine just won't come out and he is in serious pain, so we call 911 and they take him to the hospital. My grandpa's mobility at this point is that he can stand while holding onto something and can walk with his walker and if someone is near him to be safe
  • 30 April - They discharge him from the hospital the same day and he has a new prescription that I'll need to get because he has a UTI. His mobility is exactly the same as it was before he was in the hospital
  • 1 May - They call my grandpa and tell him he needs to come back to the hospital the next day
  • 2 May - We call 911 and explain how he has to go to the hospital and we have no other way of getting there, so they come and take him. We also learn from our talking to the hospital (and figuring out how to get him there) that the reason he needs to go in is that he needs an IV antibiotic treatment because of his UTI
  • 4 May - He gets discharged from the hospital and somehow in the course of these literal TWO DAYS, his mobility has deteriorated to the point where he literally cannot even stand up for longer than 5 seconds and he ends up taking a fall right by the front door because the stupid ****s who brought him home from the hospital don't give a jive and just go 'OK well we've brought him home, our job is done here' and just leave and they seriously ******* expect me by myself to get my grandpa into his bedroom when he literally cannot even ******* stand?????????????? I hate these ****rags I swear to God I hope their car explodes. Anyways we call 911 again and explain what happened and they come and help get him up and into his bed.
  • 12 May (Today) - He has to go the bathroom, I help get him on the portable commode (after I put a liner in it because...well I think you can guess what kind of bathroom going he has to go), and he goes and then he starts telling me to call 911 because he feels like he's going to pass out and he feels sick to his stomach and he can't even stand up and he'll just be on the floor, so I do exactly that and call 911 and tell them all of this and they come and help get him out of the house and onto a stretcher and to the hospital.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
He's in the CCU now. I should mention that after they left, I noticed melena in the portable commode (a sign of upper GI bleeding) so I hope they noticed that and performed surgery or are doing something to treat him but I can't get any other info (other than the room he's in) because they told me to call back after 9pm.


Wondering bot
I think you need to find some better doctors for him, these ones are clearly incompedant and just don't seem to have a clue what they are actually doing to the poor man.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Update on my grandpa's condition: he's stable and they just called me to ask for my consent to sedate him because they're going to perform an upper endoscopy (putting a camera down his mouth to see if they can locate where the bleeding is, if anywhere)


Wondering bot
Update on my grandpa's condition: he's stable and they just called me to ask for my consent to sedate him because they're going to perform an upper endoscopy (putting a camera down his mouth to see if they can locate where the bleeding is, if anywhere)

I hope he feels better soon and prey that these Doctors actually know what they are doing as everything so far, points to them, not having much clue

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Grandpa's suffering from delusions and jive because he's barely gotten any sleep these past few days, his diet isn't very good (they have him on a liquid diet because of his upper gastrointestinal bleeding), and he'd called me at least 10 times today claiming jive like they did surgery on him today where they removed his eyeball and put it back in. He also thinks that they think he's stupid and laugh at him when they leave, he thinks that they think he wants to hurt them (which he keeps apologizing for because he probably did accidentally say something mean to them), he says he can't sleep because he's worried they'll do something to him. He also keeps asking people if they're from 'the company' (even though he knows that he's in the hospital and is sick, he knows that) and if you try to push back against anything he's saying, he'll say 'they've got to you too', he's even done that with me


Destron D-69

at Journey's end
it might be hard choices time if the delusions persist at all once he's out of there. I think "we" -as in my family- pretended we didn't notice when my Grandmother started slipping... and by the time it was obvious and "they" couldn't just ignore it anymore, the loss of his wife was too hard on my Grampa and he let himself waste away. He was Dead with-in a year of her condition completely taking hold.

Is this the first time you've heard him say something like this Viola? if so I hope once he's off any of the new meds they'd given him and he's not sleep deprived - that it goes away. I'm happy you're there for him though. try and stay strong for yourself right now too though.

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