Long post is long, 'cause I finally got to pick up my Into The Unknown starter! As a game, I'm still poring over the rules and how-to-play vids (FLGS dude recommended Crabbok's to me, on the youtubes) and having a think about it. Also as a game, be aware that the box does not include the full rulebook; the learn-to-play and campaign guides lead into the living rulebook on the Wizkids web site (alas, it's kind of hidden and lacks a printer-friendly mode). Million little tokens and markers and things that I think would be far tidier with - and I know this is heresy to the modern gamer
unless you're Battletech - some kind of record sheets. May have to tinker some up if I don't find any on the web.
But I'll get to the game part of it eventually. First and foremost, I'm here for the
models. WK has done a pretty damn good job with the prepaints here. They also pushed one of my specific buttons because they remembered the Constellation-class exists, and it's probably my favorite TNG non-hero ship design.
Here's what comes in the box:
There are a couple of deco things I can pick nits at right off the bat, but they're pretty minor. The more prominent one is that the Galaxy deflector dish is mostly red - the outermost ring should be blue; and weirdly the little inner ring correctly is. It won't be hard to touch up, but still. And I find it a little odd that the Enterprise and Defiant get the name on the hull (microscopically in Defiant's case), but Hathaway doesnt; the Constellation just has the NCC number.
Nitpicks aside, the Feds look really good, especially for mass-production prepaints. They've got a decent amount of paneling detail even if there isn't a lot of aztecing, grid lines on the Constellation, appropriate tons of lifeboats and windows on the Galaxy, and all the microscopic details on Defiant.
The Dominion ships are a really great metallic silver and gold with hits of purple and blue, and since they don't have legible markings it's all about the color patterns. Redecos of these molds would be easy as pie, and I'd love to see them with more purple.
In terms of actual QC, in my copy the Constellation's lower nacelles are a little out of whack and the sculpt there is very thin, so I'm leery of trying to fix it with heat or disassembly. It's not super obvious unless you're looking at the ship from dead on the side though. Overall, yeah, I can nitpick, but just on appearances this stuff is pretty good.
Some comparisons, then. Dominion ships with their Attack Wing counterparts (if you're not familiar, basically MicroMachines scale):
ITU Jem'Hadar Fighters are actually a lot smaller than the
AW models, and the Battlecruiser is...well, a very big boy. Not gonna lie, the large ships are so large that I kinda question using them in a 3'x3' game space - but they look so good.
And the Feds, though I don't have the matching classes for Attack Wing - here they are with the Excelsior and Akira from that game:
Again, mostly dwarfing the
AW models, though I think the Defiant is actually about the same size. Also added in the regular Eaglemoss E-D, and the MicroMachines Constellation.
And yes, the Galaxy saucer separates:
The top of the stardrive cobra head is detailed, and only the little I-shaped tab that holds the sections together breaks the sculpt. Absolutely don't depend on it to hold the full ship together, you definitely want to use the stand under the saucer even in docked configuration.
I genuinely can't wait to see what else they come out with for this game, because if the model quality keeps up it'll be an easy way to get some great-looking desktop sized ships for way less than, say, aftermarket prices on the likes of Eaglemoss stuff.
I will pick on one elephant in the room: they also released the lovely - if screen-inaccurate - metallic Enterprise-D separately. Beautiful silver plus the great detail paintjob (though I didn't see if the deflector was still wrong). The hiccup with that one is only from a game perspective - it's still the E-D, with all the same game components that come in the starter for her. If it had been an unlabelled generic Galaxy class, or a different one, I might have jumped on it. But so far there's no sign of generic "X class" ships for the game, just named ones; and as for other ships of the class, I get it - what other Galaxy is someone not familiar with Trek going to know? I'm into Trek, and off the top of my head I can name a whole three ships and
one character associated with one of them (Yamato and Captain Varley, Odyssey, and Venture). There's not enough recognition to do any of the others.
Nor for any of the other Feddie ships, really - Defiant could be Sao Paolo (no notable characters for crew) or Valiant (actual named characters, but they were a bunch of idiots who got themselves killed in their episode); Hathaway could be Stargazer (but the only big name character is Picard, and we already have the E-D). So yeah, not sure
how they're going to re-use some of these ships, but hoping that somehow they can 'cause they're great just as models.