Star Trek General Discussion


Well-known member
As its former captain, and high ranking officer in the Fleet, I am sure that he was aware that they removed the saucer from the planet, but never dreamed that it would be rebuilt.

I mean, you would need to be Geordi to do that. He had the position of Commadore, and was in charge of the fleet museum. He could sell the concept to the brass to let him piece together the ship that saved the Federation on multiple occasions for it. He would have plenty of parts and pieces from the wreckages and remnants of the Dominion War. Remember in that war, they would base attack wings around Galaxy class ships as their command/heavy hitter, so they were pumping out a lot of the War variant of that ship for several years. All of those ships gave him an option to get a replacement for the Star drive section.

Not too mention It had to be Geordi to do it, as he was one of the few Engineers that could actually rebuild the Enterprise D.

And it had to be Geordi to do it, as he would be one of the handful of people that would want to sink all of this time and effort into rebuilding the Enterprise D.

And plus Picard was out of Star Fleet for a decade so he was probably out of the loop. Riker and Troi were trying to keep their son alive, and were also out of the loop. Beverly was hiding Jack from the galaxy. Data was dead, and Worf was somehow losing the Enterprise E, to no fault of his own. Really, Worf might have known about it, but the rest of them, I doubt it.
I agree with everything you said, but I recently saw the scene again on Facebook and Geordi explains to all of them that the saucer wasn't left behind because of the Prime Directive.

Out of universe I have been in discussion various times over the years about it and I cannot say that I KNEW they were going to have to retrieve it, but given what we know NOW, the senior staff of the ship all knew immediately and they were all in Starfleet for a long time after. They would have heard the news or perhaps even been in attendance when it was done.

It is possible that Picard would have thought it was a total loss, but wouldn't there have been news stories about the recovery that would've come up in their browsers that would've said it was retrieved largely intact? And do they all know there is a museum where NX-01, Enterprise-A, and the Bounty are all kept and wouldn't they have hoped that in some way their ship could get there?

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I agree with everything you said, but I recently saw the scene again on Facebook and Geordi explains to all of them that the saucer wasn't left behind because of the Prime Directive.

Out of universe I have been in discussion various times over the years about it and I cannot say that I KNEW they were going to have to retrieve it, but given what we know NOW, the senior staff of the ship all knew immediately and they were all in Starfleet for a long time after. They would have heard the news or perhaps even been in attendance when it was done.

It is possible that Picard would have thought it was a total loss, but wouldn't there have been news stories about the recovery that would've come up in their browsers that would've said it was retrieved largely intact? And do they all know there is a museum where NX-01, Enterprise-A, and the Bounty are all kept and wouldn't they have hoped that in some way their ship could get there?

Well, after some more thought, the retrieval effort takes place not long after the crash, given that it is going on when Spock arrives at Kirk's grave. In that time period there is a lot going on. Federation goes to war with the Klingons then almost immediately goes to war with the Dominion. The Breen attack Earth and Betazed is conquered. All this while the crew gets transferred to a new class of starship with the Enterprise E.

Also, the Fleet museum would have been something totally different at that point too, since the original Space Dock was still at Earth. The ships might have been there in those wire repair bay style docks, but the saucer section was pretty much scrap when they took it off world.


Well-known member
That's a fan film, but it probably was right away. Veridians wouldn't find it for some time, but if you leave it there anyone can come loot it.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
That's a fan film, but it probably was right away. Veridians wouldn't find it for some time, but if you leave it there anyone can come loot it.
I don't know if it is canon or not. It's from the Roddenberry group, and was released about the same time we found out that the saucer section of D was recovered. I want to say that the Picard showrunner was even involved with this, IIRC.


NOT a New Member.
🎶 Aaaaaaannndddd...they'rrrrrrreeeeeee...baaaaaack.... 🎵

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NOT a New Member.



Active member
It’s been a while since I saw ST IV but I thought of it recently, specifically the transparent aluminum scene. Did Scotty give him the formula and then they manufactured it right then and there for him? Or did Scotty give him the formula as payment for their standard materials? As a kid I always thought it was the former, and judging by that article above, that’s how it came across to some. But the dialogue seems to imply that the value to the manufacturer is in the formula. They’d need to figure out the logistics of manufacturing this new material, which the crew doesn’t have time for. Am I just very late to realize this?


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
It’s been a while since I saw ST IV but I thought of it recently, specifically the transparent aluminum scene. Did Scotty give him the formula and then they manufactured it right then and there for him? Or did Scotty give him the formula as payment for their standard materials? As a kid I always thought it was the former, and judging by that article above, that’s how it came across to some. But the dialogue seems to imply that the value to the manufacturer is in the formula. They’d need to figure out the logistics of manufacturing this new material, which the crew doesn’t have time for. Am I just very late to realize this?

As a kid, I also thought the former, but have come to realize that it's the latter. Scotty provided the knowledge as payment for the standard, in-stock material.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, I haven't checked in this thread since I finished the films. I finally saw ep1 of Picard.

It doesn't feel like a Trek show. It looks very expensive and the lady does resemble how Data's daughter looks (in my mind) but, urgh, can't stand the melodrama. Making a double seems like a weird thing too.

Well, hope I get to like it going forward. The dog is cute tho, haha.

Also, the Section 31 movie (special?) came out, right? Can I watch that as a stand alone, without seeing Picard or Discovery?


Well-known member
Also, the Section 31 movie (special?) came out, right? Can I watch that as a stand alone, without seeing Picard or Discovery?

Definitely without seeing Picard and probably without seeing Discovery. Discovery will tell you who the main character is, but you can look that up easily. I haven't seen it. It seems likely that some dialog early in the movie will tell you too.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Ok, I haven't checked in this thread since I finished the films. I finally saw ep1 of Picard.

I was wondering when you would get a chance to watch it.

It doesn't feel like a Trek show.

It really doesn't at first. However, stick with it.

It looks very expensive and the lady does resemble how Data's daughter looks (in my mind) but, urgh, can't stand the melodrama.

It gets better.

Making a double seems like a weird thing too.

Yeah, I didn't like that either, but it is the way the wrote the story to get Picard super involved.

Well, hope I get to like it going forward. The dog is cute tho, haha.

Number 1 is awesome! :)

Also, the Section 31 movie (special?) came out, right? Can I watch that as a stand alone, without seeing Picard or Discovery?

You might want to watch the first three seasons of discovery first, otherwise you might not care about the main character.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
And then better and then worse and then better and then worse.

I watched them and I don't care about her.
Well, I like her, and

Discovery spoilers!

her guardian episode was one of the best episodes of Discovery.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, I'll finish Picard then go to Discovery then watch Section 31 (is it really a movie?)

I'm at the start of Picard ep4 already and it's going slow ish. I'm used to Trek eps having 40min at a time to save the galaxy or so, baring multi part eps. The three eps feel stretched ish.

Of the new few crew, I only like the synthetic scientist lady so far. And I suppose the EMH.

Side thing but it boggles the mind that we're only getting what passes as robots late in the career of Picard.

Even if Trek Earth cannot properly produce androids other than Data, Lore and B4 (and Data's original daughter) (aaaaand all the evil AI like Agimus and other homidical sentient machines. Aaaaand Peanut Hamper and the exocomps. Aaaaaand I guess Badgey, Goodgey and Logicey. But they don't have android bodies) , then surely the multitude of alien races could have had them.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Section 31 was meant to be a series, but that got killed and it was compressed into a movie. Haven't watched it, but from what I hear, it shows.

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