Aside from combiner-mode stability, I can appreciate one thing about the frame approach. Combiners have always included mass shifting as a basic tenant of what they are. In virtually every media where they exist, the combiners are larger than simply piling their component bots on top of each other. For all the things I don't like about the frame approach, it's the one time any toys of them have managed to reflect that aspect of their media portrayal. The Legacy/AotP/SS86 guys all get to have individual bots that scale nicely with the smaller post-PWT bots, and yet still manage to form CW-sized combiners. I actually do really appreciate that.
Having said that, I definitely am curious to see how it will work going forward. I had taken it for granted that Superion would be just like Menasor, and that Devastator would have some sort of frame, albeit not to the same extent as the other two. Devastator has always been kibble-heavy, with his forearms and everything between his waist and knees not really being visibly linked to any of the members. As much as everyone was quick to call Menasor a special case, Superion's cartoon model really wasn't handled much differently. I could easily see Onslaught becoming just the cab of his truck mode, and I could see Hot Spot adopting a Fire Convoy split, where he is also just the cab section. If they continue past season 2, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Silverbolt approach used on Scattershot.
How will they handle the limbs, though? Aside from Superion and Menasor, most combiners much more visibly have all their limbs fully unique, with different colors and visible details like Brawl's tank turret. I'm really curious to see how they handle Bruticus. Whatever they do there, I could imagine them maybe using the same approach for Defensor, and then calling it quits on any more combiners for a while. I'll be REALLY disappointed if that turns out to be accurate, since I still really want a full-sized Monstructor, and I can't see that happening at the smaller Titan price point.