The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor


jumbled pile of person
The hassle of going through a payment processor just to sign up for a website is going to be a lot more of a dealbreaker than the amount is. Granted, I don't know what kind of person doesn't already use Twitter and would have any reason to want to sign up for it in 2023 anyway. Aside from the bots, of course, but those are all run by him anyway.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
See, that's what I don't understand. The Tony Stark character was ACTUALLY a genius engineer. Musk is a programmer, and not a great one. The only things they have in common is that they are both industrialists.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The average person has no idea what the difference is. They just see a rich guy who owns a tech company and assume he must know what he's doing.
Which is a shame, because we're a good four generations past the point where the people at the top have any idea what the company does, never mind what they themselves are doing.


jumbled pile of person
Which is a shame, because we're a good four generations past the point where the people at the top have any idea what the company does, never mind what they themselves are doing.
To be fair, there have definitely been tech companies more recently than that that were founded by people with actual knowledge in the relevant fields. Steve Wozniak comes to mind, I'm pretty sure Bill Gates was an actual nerd, and a lot of the failure of the dot-com startups could be blamed on their founders understanding the technical side perfectly well at the expense of any business education. We are, however, several generations past the point where any one person can possibly know everything necessary to run any sort of company effectively; there's just too much complexity.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
He's just doing what he always does, trolling. He didn't want to buy twitter, remember. His trolling just happened to catch up with him in that case.


Well-known member


jumbled pile of person
On the subject of Wikipedia, they have no valid reason to want to sell to him, ever; for as much as they make it sound like they're perpetually strapped for cash, nothing could be further from the truth. It's estimated that they can afford to stay in operation for 20 more years even if donations completely dry up because of just how much they have stashed away. Besides, I'm not sure they could legally be sold off without violating their legal status as a nonprofit foundation. I know there are a lot of restrictions on how they're allowed to operate; that's the main reason they have so much saved up—they're legally forbidden from doing practically anything else with that money.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I wouldn't trust Musk with my non-existent dogecoin wallet, much less my actual finances. What I wonder is HOW exactly he plains to turn a failing social media platform into a successful finance platform. He's absolutely insane at this point.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
If twitter lost half of its value in half a year: what will he do with my savings account? Musky boy can buy all the financial certs he wants, only the stupidest people will sign onto his poorly built, badly managed, likely fraudulent bank when other banks, long standing, well overseen banks already do all the jive he's offering without having to change anything.

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