It really would be delicious if Trump did all of that to get himself a 3rd term and lost to Obama.
I'm on record and will go on record again. Trump did not intend to win in 2016. He was just promoting his brand and getting himself audiences at rallies. But he did win, so he dabbled at Presidenting for 4 years. He liked being called Mr. President and The Most Powerful Man in the World, but barely wielded any power. He signed the stuff that Congress sent him and he nominated judges from the lists that conservatives prepared for him. He didn't make any powerful, persuasive speeches, didn't accomplish his big promises, didn't sign any legislation that had been his idea, didn't convince Congress to do anything they weren't already doing. He just kept the seat warm and the seat where he watched evening news shows and the seats at Mar-A-Lago were warmer than the one in the Oval Office. He ran for reelection and got the kind of humiliation that a narcissist cannot let stand, so he devoted 2 months to trying to undo it and didn't succeed. So he devoted 4 years to getting comeuppance and then especially when he started getting in big legal trouble. And there he did succeed. He has already accomplished everything that he cared about in his campaign. The only campaign issues that he REALLY cared about were "I shouldn't be a one-term President" and "I shouldn't have to go to jail". Donald Trump does not want a 3rd term. He just wants to be called a Great President and you don't get that if you got kicked out. Donald Trump does not want supreme power. He just wants to be RECOGNIZED as powerful.
He will break stuff in his second term just like his first. He'll nominate more conservative judges. He'll embarrass our country and hurt our allies. He'll embolden evil people inside and outside our country. If a big event like Covid comes along, he will mishandle it. It is NOT a good thing that he is President. But one thing we do not need to worry about is him staying a day longer than he is due.
Edit - And anyway, I give it even odds the he won't see 82 years old.