Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread


Well-known member
My brother works for an American company that manufactures overseas. They moved a lot from China to Mexico when Trump started Chinese tariffs. Now they'll be stuck paying Mexican tariffs at least for a while. Meanwhile their biggest foreign competitor is manufacturing where there are no tariffs. So the foreign company is being protected from the American company.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Didn't one our posters say that they voted for Trump because he would benefit his family? I wonder how that's working out for him now.


Well-known member
Didn't one our posters say that they voted for Trump because he would benefit his family? I wonder how that's working out for him now.
I imagine he is cool with it so far. Specifically, his family had had direct trouble with some local undocumented people. I think what Trump is doing so far is exactly what he wanted.


Well-known member
There are no rules about how someone is supposed to decide their vote. He had strong personal feelings about this issue. Unless he was lying about his feelings, I don't think presenting facts was very important there. If your number one priority is getting rid of undocumented residents, you seem to have a promise made and a promise being kept here.


Well-known member
There was never a time when I think history was going to view Trump with much indulgence, but he does seem to be rewriting his bio right now. In the 4 interim year, everyone was still feeling very emotional and his supporters felt he had almost saved the world and his detractors felt he had almost ruined it, but if he had stayed one term, the story would have eventually been that he'd been an ineffective President, accomplishing only a conservative swing to the court that set some things behind for a generation, but most of his promises had not been kept, he hadn't shown any real leadership, and there was no sign of much effort to accomplish anything.

He is not on that course this time.


Well-known member
as Transformers One explained, "NONE OF THAT MATTERS because the truth is WHAT I MAKE IT."

Until the money is out of news media and reporters actually start acting like the Emperor has no clothes then history will probably record him as flawlessly as he records himself.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
There was never a time when I think history was going to view Trump with much indulgence, but he does seem to be rewriting his bio right now. In the 4 interim year, everyone was still feeling very emotional and his supporters felt he had almost saved the world and his detractors felt he had almost ruined it, but if he had stayed one term, the story would have eventually been that he'd been an ineffective President, accomplishing only a conservative swing to the court that set some things behind for a generation, but most of his promises had not been kept, he hadn't shown any real leadership, and there was no sign of much effort to accomplish anything.

He is not on that course this time.
He's on course this time to be remembered as a monster. Probably a lesser monster due to him still being incompetent, but a monster non-the-less.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
In the longer term, history will view him as an incompetent, narcissistic, racist monster. That's not much comfort for the people dealing with his jive right now.
History will also revile the people who were in power who didn’t do anything near enough to stop this happening again, like history reviles James Buchanan. Trump should’ve been arrested and detained for the 6th January attempted coup the minute after his successor was inaugurated.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
In the longer term, history will view him as an incompetent, narcissistic, racist monster. That's not much comfort for the people dealing with his jive right now.
Oh for sure. He will be cursed by the people he targeted who survive until their deaths and will likely pass on said views to 2 or 3 generations of their descendants beyond that. The man is a MONSTER. We had hints he was a monster before he was elected the FIRST time and by the second time we KNEW it. A large number of people STILL voted for him because either their memories are short, they were bigots or they were gullible rubes(possibly all three).


Well-known member
Some time I would like to see as much detail as there is analyzed about different profiles of voters. I think the people who died between 2016 and 2024 broke much more for Trump than the Democrats and he made up for that. I would have expected the new voters between 2016 and 2024 to have broken much more for the democrats, but I'm not sure I guess. There is a block, I am sure, who voted against Trump because of Covid and then Covid was a distant memory and they switched back.

How big is the block that voted for Biden in 2020 because they like him better than Trump, but could not bring themselves to vote for a brown girl under almost any circumstances?


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I'm pretty sure the bigger problem in 2024 was those who didn't vote. Turnout was down by around 15 million votes vs 2020

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Which I just don't understand: both bases seemed REALLY fired up. It seemed like everyone was excited, and motivated to actually vote: and then they just... didn't.


Well-known member
I don't know where the 15 million votes is. When I just look at the 2 major candidates it was only down 3 1/2 million. But who were they? About 10 million people died. None of them voted this time.

Statistics get presented in unbalanced ways. Kamala Harris has the bronze for most votes ever in a Presidential election. 2020 was famously high-turnout. The votes Kamala got in 2024 would have beat the votes Trump got in 2020. But he actually has gotten more votes each time. Even in 2020 when he lost "because America had seen him for 4 years and had enough" he had more people mark a ballot for him than in 2016.


Well-known member
Democrats sat back and let the country descend into fascism because they couldn't have a candidate say "GENOCIDE IS BAD."

the youth vote is probably lost for a generation or more because from Gen Alpha's perspective the Democrat President worked harder to stop a social media app than anything happening in Gaza.

Covert Agent Rodimal

Active member
How many people (like me) didn't vote because we're tired of the lesser of two evils crap or didn't think our vote would matter in a decidedly red state?

Deathy G1

Active member
I’m going to say this once and then return to my indefinite hiatus:

This is what I deserve for being a single issue voter. We are expecting things to get very bad here in Maine. I asked for it and therefore can’t blame anyone but myself. My kind and I did this to you all. I’m sorry about what’s about to happen to our economy.

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