Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Didn't Musk have to rehire several Twitter engineers when he went all slash and burn there too? Almost like he doesn't know what he is doing.


too old for this
Maybe blindly firing because the word "probationary" was attached(whether it was just the position or their actual employment) was a bad idea...

This the same asshat who threatened AOC with charges, but then ran off with tail betwixt his legs when he realized she knew way more than he did? Yeah, I'm sure the entirety of Boston is quaking in their boots.
Seriously, this guy (and the entirety of the Trump administration) proves that they're all talk and bluster, but when faced with any real resistance or people who know what they're doing, they back down fast. It's no wonder the world laughs at us.

Yes, Musk did cause a lot of problems when he tried this email bullshit at twitter. And he did have to rehire a great deal, got sued a lot, lost money. But it was one of his ketamine fueled 'brilliant ideas' so of course he'd try it again.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon

Honestly I'm expecting the US to be the one booted out of Five Eyes given who Trump has put in charge of the US intel agencies. At least in fact, if not in name.


Well-known member
Incredible. The reasons for sharing intelligence with Canada are exactly the same reasons for annexing Canada.


Well-known member
They had to do some shenanigans in order to pass this.

Ironbite-good luck to all those purple GOPers in mid-terms.


Well-known member


jumbled pile of person
So, we're asking them to turn themselves in so they can be locked up, with the threat of being caught and locked up if they don't.

This man really just has no clue how to accomplish things, does he?


Well-known member
So, we're asking them to turn themselves in so they can be locked up, with the threat of being caught and locked up if they don't.

This man really just has no clue how to accomplish things, does he?
But they HAVE to. It's the LAW.


too old for this
This is actually a really evil/smart play. It's like the Kansas drug tax.
If you actually register (or pay the tax) they now know to keep an eye on you. You're on a list. If you don't and you're picked up for literally whatever reason, then you're a criminal.
This negates the whole 'being here illegally isn't a crime' dodge. It is something they can be charged with so they can now legally be held and dealt with through the criminal justice system.


Well-known member
Is that really needed? I understand the talking point, but being here illegally really is a crime, right?


too old for this
So they can't be detained and removed for it?
Depends on where they're at, but not typically. Those are ticketable offenses, not arrestable offenses.
This could be used as an arrestable offense.

Again, this is a maneuver designed to add one more thing that people can be charged with. If it was a monetary fine, I'd call it a money grab, but that's not what they're going for. This is going to be used to generate reasonable suspicion/PC so people of any ethnicity can be held while they're "checked out", searched, subject to the whole indignity of the initial contact with the criminal justice system and leave them with no recourse.

Right now if a cop sees a group of latino people standing alongside the road by a Home Depot, they can suspect a lot. They can approach and attempt a conversation, but they have no standing to demand papers or anything like that.
With something like this, that cop can demand IDs or hold people under that suspicion until they're checked out and even then they can be charged with interference or some other bullshit cops pull when they're trying to be dicks.

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