Depends on where they're at, but not typically. Those are ticketable offenses, not arrestable offenses.
This could be used as an arrestable offense.
Again, this is a maneuver designed to add one more thing that people can be charged with. If it was a monetary fine, I'd call it a money grab, but that's not what they're going for. This is going to be used to generate reasonable suspicion/PC so people of any ethnicity can be held while they're "checked out", searched, subject to the whole indignity of the initial contact with the criminal justice system and leave them with no recourse.
Right now if a cop sees a group of latino people standing alongside the road by a Home Depot, they can suspect a lot. They can approach and attempt a conversation, but they have no standing to demand papers or anything like that.
With something like this, that cop can demand IDs or hold people under that suspicion until they're checked out and even then they can be charged with interference or some other bullshit cops pull when they're trying to be dicks.