Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread


Well-known member
Like....there might not be a flu shot this year?
Worst case scenario, there IS a flu shot, but it looks an awful lot like this past year's flu shot, rather than taking advantage of the knowledge that would have gone into predicting this coming year's strains. It would still offer better protection than 1) nothing, or even 2) just relying on having gotten the shot this past year.


Well-known member
I honestly believe that RFK Jr and people like him believe in eugenics and societal Darwinism; the whole point of removing vaccines is to weed out the ‘weak’ and ‘imperfect’. Unfortunately I think that the global pandemic likely radicalised such people further.
Put more in the language he'd likely use (only a tiny bit...), I suspect that he thinks that the nation as a whole is sicker because we fail to weed out the "weak" and "imperfect." Thus, by allowing diseases to take their course, the people who are left are stronger (and not just because the average automatically becomes higher).

(I hope it's clear I'm not trying to make this sound anything less than monstrous)


Well-known member
Put more in the language he'd likely use (only a tiny bit...), I suspect that he thinks that the nation as a whole is sicker because we fail to weed out the "weak" and "imperfect." Thus, by allowing diseases to take their course, the people who are left are stronger (and not just because the average automatically becomes higher).

(I hope it's clear I'm not trying to make this sound anything less than monstrous)
You're a monster!


too old for this
And he believes that the people who come out on top should be the ones whose brains were eaten by worms and sound like they've been chain smoking for 366 years? If anybody is sticking up for the non-Uberman, it really ought to be this guy.

Edit - This might be a little dark, but assuming that he has some Kennedy money to live on, I really can't understand why he doesn't just live a comfy life and keep his head down. The last place I would want to be, if I were him, is in Washington, DC working for the White House. His dad got shot running for President, his uncle got shot as President. Maybe Uncle Teddy made him feel like it was safe after all? Ted ran for President in 1980. He didn't win, but if he had I think Hinckley would have shot him. He only had one other Kennedy uncle, who was shot down in WW2 while working for the government.
I believe there was an interview with his family where they said he'd been obsessed with being president since he was a kid. Something about how it was his destiny, blah blah crazy brain worm jive. He's had nothing but money and privilege his entire life. He literally does not understand that the world doesn't revolve around him.

As far as Trump, Vance and Zelensky . . . well. If you weren't embarrassed before, then get ready. Giant orange bully desperately trying to act tough in the face of a man whose actually seen some jive. Beyond pathetic.


Well-known member
I also felt like Trump looked awfully weak in that he just sat there like a lump until Vance suddenly started "defending" him. I suspect the White House invited him specifically for this planned event.


too old for this
This was clearly someone's plan. I doubt Trump was really briefed that much beforehand. Considering someone with his level of dementia wouldn't retain much anyway. Vance, though, appears to have been specifically briefed and coached.


Active member
Vance is an obsequious, mealymouthed toady, and Trump is a toddler-brained, knuckle-dragging, narcissistic ignoramus. This showing today may have been the most blatant example of how disastrously unfit both of them are for any political office, much less the POTUS/VPOTUS positions. And yet, I say again, here we are.

Oh, as an addendum to this disgusting and embarrassing display was the capper to an event that essentially began with Brian Glenn, a commentator for the Real America’s Voice, hectoring Zelensky about the fact that he wasn't wearing a suit, while Marco Rubio sat there and looked as if he wished he could just go ahead and shuffle off this mortal coil.

The level of cold disdain I harbor for these soulless ghouls, and the level of shame I feel as an American cannot be overstated. I'll let this photo of Oksana Markarova, Ukraine's Ambassador in the US, reacting to the shameful affair speak for me.

Oksana Markarova.png


Well-known member
while Marco Rubio sat there and looked as if he wished he could just go ahead and shuffle off this mortal coil.
I haven't followed Marco Rubio. I was disappointed that he took this job, but had already heard him named as a Trump minion in the campaign.

At the start of 2016 I was still registered Republican. I didn't expect to vote for Rubio in the general election, but I voted for him in the primary and then changed my registration to independent the same day. I HOPED that he would be the candidate because he seemed to be the best option. At the time he and Cruz were both staunchly non-Trumpy and I just didn't like Cruz anyway. But sadly Trump just has too much gravity. Everyone who wants a seat at the GOP table has to fall into his orbit.

I don't want Rubio to just shuffle off the mortal coil, but I would be impressed with him if he would resign.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
All of the Trump-supporter regret posts on social media are like "I voted for Trump and I love the way he's hurting so many people, but I'm a little upset that one of the people he hurt is my son. I hope he can see his way to clear to making an exception for my son while he continues to hurt lots of other people".

Don't kid yourself. These people have learned nothing.
Trump is not a gangster: he's worse than a gangster. At least a gangster will offer you protection in return for giving him your money. Trump wants Ukraine's natural resources while refusing to offer protection in return.
Only Donald Trump would bring a foreign head of state into the Oval Office with the intention of making the guy "kiss the ring" in front of the press so he'll feel like a big man. He really does think he's a king, or an emperor.
So Donald Trump thinks the EU was created just to "screw" the United States of America, which means he recognizes that a trading bloc is a competitive advantage, yet he wants to burn the North American trading bloc to the ground with his trade war against Canada and Mexico?

Oh yeah, I forgot: he has an IQ of 60. He doesn't even realize that he's contradicting himself, because he's too goddamned stupid.


Well-known member
Actions have consequences(though I don't know how much this will affect things up there):
That's a deceptive headline. The announcement was no fuel for the US Navy. Someone changed the headline to submarines. If our Navy has been buying fuel in Norway, it wasn't for submarines. None of our submarines use petroleum fuel.

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