And he believes that the people who come out on top should be the ones whose brains were eaten by worms and sound like they've been chain smoking for 366 years? If anybody is sticking up for the non-Uberman, it really ought to be this guy.
Edit - This might be a little dark, but assuming that he has some Kennedy money to live on, I really can't understand why he doesn't just live a comfy life and keep his head down. The last place I would want to be, if I were him, is in Washington, DC working for the White House. His dad got shot running for President, his uncle got shot as President. Maybe Uncle Teddy made him feel like it was safe after all? Ted ran for President in 1980. He didn't win, but if he had I think Hinckley would have shot him. He only had one other Kennedy uncle, who was shot down in WW2 while working for the government.