Only a civil suit. Which was preceded by the judge making the jury anonymous because everyone knows what would happen if the cult got a hold of their names, and started with the judge warning against inciting anything on social media. Oh, and Trump himself hasn't actually shown up in person for it. Legally, in a civil suit, he's not required to appear (and, let's face it, keeping him away is probably the best course for his own lawyers, he'd incriminate himself the first time he opened his face hole), but it sets a bad image to show that he doesn't care enough about it. His lawyer tried to file some absurd notion that Trump was staying away to not disrupt the city too much, or because the city wouldn't provide enough security, and that the jury should be told not to hold it against him, but the judge dismissed all of that on the grounds that the real reason he's not showing is that he had rallies planned on other states at the same time.