Transformers Legacy toyline


Continuity Nutcase
My fear is that they'll decide that MP Ginrai means PMOP is "done" and not come back to him for a while.
I dunno, MP (and now MPG) is purely Takara's thing. Hasbro hasn't historically seemed to feel that what Takara does with MP has much of an effect on Hasbro's plans.


Wondering bot
My fear is that they'll decide that MP Ginrai means PMOP is "done" and not come back to him for a while.

I hope they revisit PMOP & God Grini sooner as a mainline figure and do it right this time

My fear is it'll leapfrog Commander class and be a Titan.

If they did PMOP as a titan class, he would more likely be God Grini or rather Optimus prime with Apex armour

If they were to do God Grini again, I would hope God Bomber is weaponizer, my only problem with the TR verison is how the wings attach, using clips and I fear that they might break when attaching or removing that part

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
If they did just PMOP, he'd probably have to be a Commander, just like Armada Prime. If they wanted to do Godbomber too, definitely Haslab. (Hey, they could throw in the prototype Roller head as a stretch goal.) Though, between Omega Prime and Optimus Prime IN SPACE Victory Saber, making the third Haslab Autobot another leader would feel kinda repetitive.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Honestly, if they did use the God Bomber / Apex Armor to bump him up to the $150 Titan Class (similar to the AotP Star Optimus), I wouldn't complain. I have no nostalgia for God Bomber, but I wouldn't turn down the chance to add even more upgrades onto PMOP.


Well-known member
Naturally we'll end up with Commander class Animated Powermaster Optimus Prime which will consist of a voyager class sized: cab to robot mode Animated Optimus Prime figure with a grappling hook, axe and bola accessories. And also a trailer that transforms to power suit/super mode, all complete with the Magnus Hammer, a matrix and a small figure which is the Mini-con: Hi-Q.

Edit: needed editing, me and my meds.....
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Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Naturally we'll end up with Commander class Animated Powermaster Optimus Prime: voyager class sized cab to robot Animated Optimus Prime with grappling hook, axe and bola accessories. A power suit/trailer complete with the Magnus Hammer, HiQ.

take eight.jpg

Animated is my #2 favorite right behind G1, so I'd buy it.


Another babka?
With a bit of remolding, the Star Convoy version of the toy could have been a really good PM Prime.

Hopefully once they get through the combiner torsos, we can get a good Commander Class Powermaster Prime. That's one of the few "big wants" that I have left.
That art of the Thirteen in statue form gives Star Convoy a very Powermaster Prime chest. Wouldn't shock me if there's a retool built into the design


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
That art of the Thirteen in statue form gives Star Convoy a very Powermaster Prime chest. Wouldn't shock me if there's a retool built into the design

I actually hope not. I wouldn't want Powermaster Prime to be THAT big. Star Convoy is supposed to be huge, so that doesn't bother me, but I'd want PM Prime to be more like Kingdom Ultra Magnus. Voyagerish sized "standard" Optimus that can combine with his trailer into a super mode. Possibly with an additional God Bomber to upgrade into super-duper mode.

I know technically PM Prime had a "base mode," but it was a base for ants/micromasters.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
if it's not based on the masterforce anime i have literally zero interest in anything else.

toy-based design? nope, i already have the reissue of the original toy.

marvel comics pmop design? i'd rather crush myself with a rock.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
That art of the Thirteen in statue form gives Star Convoy a very Powermaster Prime chest. Wouldn't shock me if there's a retool built into the design
Commander or Titan, as long as it's a Hasbro initiated project I expect it to appeal to me a lot more than the lanky Masterpiece.
From what I see of the old design, the intent seemed to be a deluxe-ish Optimus Prime that fit into the chest (Looks a bit too big to fit a core-ish sized figure like Hot Rod). I haven't seen enough of the design to extrapolate where the "front cab" goes in robot mode. I kind of wonder if the "chest cockpit" could be seen as a vestigial link to the original Optimus dock (besides the obvious throwback to the original toy).

My opinion is that, if we get Powermaster Prime at retail, they'll skew towards Commander, if not Titan, just for the complexity. I'm not sure I'd buy them doing a major overhaul on a Titan figure, even with the "scaled back" offering Star convoy is. I get the feeling that, the design "gulf" between Star Convoy and Powermaster Prime (as the final toy has gone) is too far, and the brand doesn't have the "brand power" at the moment to justify a major reworking of a Titan. To this point, most Titans are "one and done", or simple redecos. Black Zarak is the exception...but he seemed to stick around for quite a while.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'd welcome a Commander class PMOP. Motormaster/Armada OP are two takes on a cab that combines with the trailer for a super robot mode, and this can be a third. Nucleon Quest Super Ginrai for Selects or something?

Then do a standalone Leader class Godbomber, just a straight up Big Weaponizer Boi. That partsformering bot type has been normalized by now, and may suit his design better and give it more play value and redeco/retool potential by itself.

Can later then do a Titan class Fire Guts God Ginrai that packs them all together.


Kaiser Dragon
In theory, I'd be happy either way. Either do a Commander PMOP and Leader Apex Bomber, or just do a Titan combo pack. Or HasLab even, though I really think that shouldn't be necessary in this case. I think any of them has the possibility of getting us a really good figure. In theory...

In practice, we saw how Legends God Bomber turned out at the Leader price point. I would hope they could do a lot better now. But if we ultimately get a video from the design team talking about how they had to go to the Titan class or even a HasLab to make sure the full package is stable and cohesive, I won't be second guessing them.

Also, as much as I want to lean toward the Commander + Leader idea, I would point out that there are a TON of characters that I'd love to see done as Commanders. All the combiner torsos. PMOP. Optimal Optimus (and ideally a TM2 Megatron redo to match). BW2 Galvatron. Gigatron. Dai Atlas. Some of the Animated Decepticons. Maybe Thunderwing. Maybe Broadside. I'm sure I could come up with quite a few more with a bit of thought.

In contrast, I have a much harder time coming up with bots that would be a good fit as Titans, especially at the new size. God Ginrai and Omega Supreme to match SS86 Devastator are the main ones that jump to mind. Maybe a Big Powered combo pack. I'm having a hard time coming up with others that wouldn't be disappointingly small at the new size, or way too big at even the smaller Titan size. Given that we get both one Titan and one Commander each year, that factor makes me lean toward the Titan option just for assortment considerations.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I actually hope not. I wouldn't want Powermaster Prime to be THAT big. Star Convoy is supposed to be huge, so that doesn't bother me, but I'd want PM Prime to be more like Kingdom Ultra Magnus. Voyagerish sized "standard" Optimus that can combine with his trailer into a super mode. Possibly with an additional God Bomber to upgrade into super-duper mode.

I know technically PM Prime had a "base mode," but it was a base for ants/micromasters.
Goldbug fit the ramps and in his trailer pretty well, as did the other Throttlebots.

Gun turrets were only for Powermaster partners, though.

My complaint with the base is that it left OP himself completely unarmed... unless you didn't mind a lopsided base.


Staff member
Council of Elders
In contrast, I have a much harder time coming up with bots that would be a good fit as Titans, especially at the new size. God Ginrai and Omega Supreme to match SS86 Devastator are the main ones that jump to mind. Maybe a Big Powered combo pack. I'm having a hard time coming up with others that wouldn't be disappointingly small at the new size, or way too big at even the smaller Titan size. Given that we get both one Titan and one Commander each year, that factor makes me lean toward the Titan option just for assortment considerations.

Tbh that sounds like a good argument for skipping a Titan for a year or two and producing two Commanders or something instead.

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