What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


too old for this
He's not wrong. By himself he cannot do a goddamn thing. Now if he and a few others decided to actually, you know, nut up, maybe then they could do something. But as an individual, he is about as useful as tits on a bull.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Actually, there's a lot he can do. Congress controls the purse, not the president and definitely not some unelected billionaire. I know with the current Senate, the chances of a conviction are slim to none, BUT he can keep speaking out, he can help pass laws to limit the executive's power and more. Heck, congress can take back control from several executive departments, if they wish. There have to be enough Republicans who know how dangerous Trump is and actually support the constitution to get some things DONE.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
If he speaks out: the angry, violent, stupid, well armed, brainwashed loyal part of the cult will target him. Half of the reason any politician current supports trump is because his fools are sending death threats.


too old for this
Actually, there's a lot he can do. Congress controls the purse, not the president and definitely not some unelected billionaire. I know with the current Senate, the chances of a conviction are slim to none, BUT he can keep speaking out, he can help pass laws to limit the executive's power and more. Heck, congress can take back control from several executive departments, if they wish. There have to be enough Republicans who know how dangerous Trump is and actually support the constitution to get some things DONE.
As per my last post.
Alone he can do nothing except offer his own neck on the chopping block. It is only when like minded individuals choose to stand up to Trump that they can accomplish anything. Speaking out is fine, but it doesn't move the needle. He can't pass laws on his own.

If he is alone, he is useless.


jumbled pile of person
I'd arrange it anyway just to see how they both react, but I might be a terrible person.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I don't see how you're a terrible person: Either nothing happens and all parties get outed as cowards, OR someone horrible dies: sounds like win/win to me.


Well-known member
first came the Jewish Space Lasers, now we have BUTTHOLE LAZERS.


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Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Horrible place for a laser, though. Difficult to aim. Also, I have no beef with Italians, not even sure where he got that one. As far as the other bits go, yes, I fit those, I guess.


too old for this
Seriously though, where did that bit about italians come from? Like, that's a new angle to me.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Trying to start the next round of irrational hate early? Seems like an odd choice of target, though. Maybe he had a bad night at Olive Garden or something.


too old for this
I'm trying to think of a way they'll try to link this to Luigi, but I'm spitballing. It's just such a weird leap to make.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It's not, when you realize that they ALWAYS NEED another group to hate on. Italians weren't white enough for the american high society once, and we've come full circle. Up next: Irish, Welsh, and anything Mediterranean.


too old for this
Look, speaking as an American Mick, good luck. We may not have good food, manners, or much of anything, but we breed like nothing. Everyone's got a bit of irish in them and usually you don't have to go that far back up the tree to find it.

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