What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


jumbled pile of person
So, funny thing about that verse he's invoking. "The rod of correction" is extremely vague language, and there's a very good chance it was a metaphor referring to measuring sticks. Back in Bible times and for quite a long time afterward, it was common for people in charge of things to own rods used both as symbols of their authority and as gold standards for units of measurement. If anyone disagreed on how big something was or should be, the person in charge could step in and set the record straight. That's why we still call them rulers. In contrast, there's not a single verse in Scripture where someone actually uses a stick to hit their child.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh, no, they just hate that other people can have porn.

Not worried, porn is a multibillion dollar a year industry: the porn will win.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Worst part of that is they somehow consider me wearing a knee-length dress with a modest neckline and opaque tights, or heck, even a pair of high-rise jeans and a fem-cut t-shirt to be pornographic simply because of the equipment I was born with....


Fabulously Foxy Dragon

The chair of the House GOP's campaign arm told Republican lawmakers Tuesday to stop holding in-person town halls amid a wave of angry backlash over the cuts undertaken by President Donald Trump's administration.
Hudson's directive, while important coming from the House GOP's top campaign official, is not binding or enforceable. Some Republicans said they aren’t planning to stop their in-person town halls despite the pushback.


Well-known member
I'm not going to sit here and say that the Bible doesn't endorse corporal punishment, but I don't see anything that says you can beat OTHER PEOPLE's children.

And that reference to Psalm 23 is AMAZING! The passage was written by King David from the perspective of a sheep talking to his shepherd. When the sheep says "When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil because your rod and staff comfort me" does this man think that sheep feel safe from evil because the shepherd beats them when they are evil? The sheep feels safe from evil because the shepherd will beat predators, dummy.


Well-known member
there's not a single verse in Scripture where someone actually uses a stick to hit their child.

Proverbs 23:13-14 ESV​

Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol.


I was spanked when I was a kid and so was my wife. When we had kids, we decided not to. You can be a Christian and not do it and if somebody says that makes me a sellout, well, he can explain his position. Because:

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 ESV

18 “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, 19 then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives,20 and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ 21 Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

He is probably a sellout too.


too old for this
I'm just going to say this. If I ever saw anyone laying hands on a disabled child there would be a confrontation. How that confrontation went is up to them, but the beating would stop immediately.

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