What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


Well-known member
I’ve seen a Tesla and Cybertruck buzzing around here in southwest Oklahoma, but I suspect it’s some knob(s) from the military base(s) driving those since, like Rhinox, Oklahoma probably has even LESS e car infrastructure.
Truks and burnin’ dead dinos, baby!
There is at least one in Ponca City.


Now with hi-res avatar!
I see one parked in my complex's parking lot sometimes. I've also seen a couple on the road while driving around the area, though there's a good chance they're all the same one.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
There's at least one floating around up here. I saw it recently near the barbeque chicken joint. I've also had two other sightings since the "truck" dropped but I never saw the license plate, so I can't confirm individual "trucks" or just the one making rounds.

Now, I do want more variety in car builds on the roads, but I meant art deco, and not rejected playstation 1 poly-models.


too old for this
There's 2 in particular up in Kansas City. One has a custom all black paint job, one is all white. Both look just as asinine as the chrome, but the black one is the less hideous color scheme.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I've seen a couple of cybertrucks. Once showed up frequently near work for a couple of months but I haven't seen it since October.


too old for this
There's at least one floating around up here. I saw it recently near the barbeque chicken joint. I've also had two other sightings since the "truck" dropped but I never saw the license plate, so I can't confirm individual "trucks" or just the one making rounds.

Now, I do want more variety in car builds on the roads, but I meant art deco, and not rejected playstation 1 poly-models.
Call me crazy, but I've really liked some of the newer Nissan models. If for nothing else, their willingness to make something completely different from what else is on the road.


jumbled pile of person
I don't just mean the Cybertruck; I'm talking about Teslas in general. They're all time bombs.

And if you don't live in a blue enough part of the country for there to be a lot of bought-before-they-knew-he-was-crazy-mobiles, you're probably surrounded by regular trucks driven by inbred hicks who barely know how to drive sober and usually aren't.


Well-known member
Oh hey Federal Courts aren't exactly giving Trump a good time. With almost all Federal Judges appointed by almost all Presidents ruling against the Orange Piss Pot. So Mike Johnson has the perfect plan.

Get rid of them.

Yeah just rip out a whole section of the Constitution that'll work out well for you.

Ironbite-wonder how Roberts feels about that.


Well-known member

Anybody want to try something really hard for a challenge? Try scaring lawyers by threatening them in the legal system.


too old for this
Finally some goddamned backbone.
Drag his ass to court and put it on him. Make his lawyers make these claims in open court. Put their licenses at risk. Expose his ass for what it is and watch him go nuts as he's told he isn't the ******* king.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon

Well that's new. Bet my dad, who used to work in Fed agencies and even actually helped in writing a regulation or two before in his time there, is gonna laugh his butt off at this.
Spoilers: Blocking regulations doesn't mean the law itself no longer applies if it was passed, it means the agencies can just enforce the raw law itself, which actually makes it harder on all the companies out there as there won't be an easy way to tell them how to meet said law's requirements.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Oh hey Federal Courts aren't exactly giving Trump a good time. With almost all Federal Judges appointed by almost all Presidents ruling against the Orange Piss Pot. So Mike Johnson has the perfect plan.

Get rid of them.

Yeah just rip out a whole section of the Constitution that'll work out well for you.

Ironbite-wonder how Roberts feels about that.
He does realize he doesn't have the votes in the Senate to pull it off, doesn't he? Especially the impeachment thing.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
They'll blame democrats when it fails and punt it to the cultists who'll just openly threaten people until they resign or get murdered.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I want to make the comment "It never worked, so it was never broken"... but yeah: it ******* worked. It's shameful and disgusting how well it worked, and still works. Even the ones who don't believe republican bullshit fall for it.


Well-known member

If anyone is behind, Vance went to Greenland last week. He was just gonna go wherever he wanted, but Greenland found out and objected that the Vice President of the United States could not just sneak in for a vacation and he hadn't asked to coordinate with them or wait for an invitation. She he only went to the Space Force base there. But while there he got on camera and essentially said "Denmark isn't playing with their toy right, so really we should have it"

When I was a kid my friend Tim and I were at Kyle's house while our moms did a craft project. Kyle was a year older and wanted to sell all of his Transformers. Tim and I dividied them up and our mom's handed over some money. I wanted all the ones I got, but I wanted a bunch of the ones Tim got too. I stayed a long weekend at Tim's house a few months later when my parents went on a trip. He didn't even know how to transform Metroplex. I told Tim's mom that I should have it because of this. It didn't impress her at all.


too old for this
If/when Trump attempts to use military force to seize Greenland, Canada, or Venezuela, then NATO, the UN, all alliances are over and off. It will be an unrecoverable act of aggression. America will never be able to recover diplomatically.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh don't be dramatic, of course you'll recover diplomatically.

In about 40 years, after the war when your constitution is forcefully rewritten to remove the good faith components and any right to have weapons or a large scale military.

You know, like you did to germany.

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