Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread


Active member
On the one hand ditching Vance means he'd have to admit to making a mistake. On the other, he consumes cable news and other media religiously so you know he's seeing all these terrible polls and criticism of his VP pick. Which one is the bigger affront to his ego? Normally at worst a VP just doesn't move the needle because no one cares, but JD's turning into something of a liability so ditching him would be more like cutting off a gangrenous limb to stop the spread of damage.

I think he probably sticks it out, but with anyone else I'd say there's no chance they ditch their VP after the convention because it would make them ridiculous, with Trump I think there's still a possibility even if very slim one that JD announces he's decided to resign from the campaign to spend more time with his family or fakes a temporary illness.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
For trump to have buyers remorse, he would have to actually pay for something.

But yeah: he's probably regretting vance, and cursing out his idiot sons for demanding him.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
At least he can scapegoat them when he loses, for all that'll be worth when he's facing several criminal trials.

I wonder if another election loss will finally get the GOP to cut him loose.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I think he can do it without admitting he made a mistake, since the circumstances of the election have obviously completely changed. The first and most remembered job of the VP candidate is to debate the other VP candidate. He can swear that Vance was the right pick for the job, but the job has changed.


jumbled pile of person
I feel like we need to know more about the people voicing disapproval of Vance, because it's hard to imagine anyone planning to vote for Trump but changing their minds because of who his running mate is. But if there's a chance that they are, I want to know why. Is it because Vance isn't evil enough???


jumbled pile of person
With a fanbase that's ready to uprise at his word and a court that has granted him functional immunity, does Donald even NEED to win?
Tell me you didn't actually read the thing you're linking to without telling me you didn't actually read the thing you're linking to. Neither the threat of a violent uprising (which I have, if anything, even more confidence that Harris is ready, willing and able to put down compared to Biden) nor the ridiculous notion that Trump's immunity extends to his actions as an ex-President came up in that article.


Now with hi-res avatar!

"Jebus healed his ear! That's proof that he's Gawd's chosen president!" is how I'm sure MAGAts will react when presented with this.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Someone told him that outright saying "dictator" was bad press, so he's stepping very slightly around it by implication

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I don't understand it myself: you'd think iran would be interested in the chaos of a trump presidency, if only to move more arms to more terrorist groups with less interference.

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