[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


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Council of Elders
"Thanks. The local wrestling division is holding open tryouts for up and coming tag teams tonight. I remembered you and Night Cap showing some interest in it." He said to Static Signal.

Static wasn't sure how to feel: happy, excited, ecstatic, terrified. At the time he suggested maybe trying to get into wrestly with Night Cap, he was really hoping Night Cap wouldn't take him up on it. But of course he did! And so he was stuck on not reneging on his word.

But then again, how many times in just the past couple days had Static been aching for a fight? As much as he tried to deny it, he was a bit of a pugilist. Not to mention when it came to STOMP, it never hurt to have a working knowledge of as many fighting styles as possible. Static was good enough in a scrap that meant punching or kicking. But holds and take downs was a completely different skill set.

All these things went through his head as he knocked on Night Cap's box-fort. "Hey Night! Something out here that might interest you!" He then turned to Maple. "Any chance we could get you to help train us if this pans out?"

"Yeah! It would seem the local wrestling division's having tryouts for tag teams tonight. Still interested? I'm game if you are."

"I could certainly show up as your 'Manager' tonight... but it couldn't be as the Masked Mystery Mare. She doesn't fit the part, you need some fancy mare with long legs and a nice mane... most managers are Unicorns too... that's so they can use their magic to help distract the refs. or the other member of the opposing team who isn't in the ring... just in case you two want to do some bumps that aren't 'technically' withing the rules."
Maple smiled... she often wondered what kind of Mare Mr. Night Cap would be interested in... after all she'd heard lots of stories from little fillies about hoping they would grow up to be that type of mare.

"I can, change my shape to be any sort of Mare you like Mr. Night Cap... we already know what Static likes... and well... If I went in looking like Miss. Away, everyone would know who you two were." there you go maple...you're so crafty! Maple nearly squeaked when the press moved again... bringing her self-congratulations to an end. Her other arms had kept working while she was distracted.

Static couldn't help but turn a wide grin at Night Cap. He knew he hit it off pretty well with Ocean Dive. But then there was that other mare from Nightmare Heights he still didn't know anything about.

Was she talk, dark and mysterious? Outgoing? Demure? "Yeah, Night, just what kind of mare do you fancy?



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Colts are silly, I meant coat colour and mane colour, and about how tall she should be and stuff." Maple giggled while tracing the outline of a mare's shape with her hooves.


Static grins. "As awesome as that would be, I don't think Princess Luna would approve of us using her likeness for a manager." Static shrugs. "We can work on it." He then turns to Mr. Hide. "Where do we have to be and when?"

"The address is on the flyers. Oh,and I don't think they'll be allowing managers since this is just tryouts instead of a full match." He then looked at Maplejack and paused with a confused expression as if trying to process where the extra limbs came from.

"Very good. From here, now we need to thin and cool the clouds into tiny ice crystals. This is what the light of the sun or moon will need to pass through." Wingston Blues then demonstrated as she broke up and then carefully started thinning some clouds.


Rhapsody takes the the skies and follows Wingston's example.


Static noted the confusion. "Yeah, I was wondering about that. Is it weird I don't even question these things anymore?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Good point! I have a couple ideas sketched out, but you can't really wear drawings. What do we need to bring?"

"Boots and at least a mask" Maple's extra legs switch back to wings as she finishes the last of the pages.

"Yeah, some boots and a mask should be enough, though they may have masks there. Well, I should probably let you get back to work."

"Very goo. And now to put it into use. Be prepared to shield your eyes. I feel showing you will be better than telling you. I'm going to be going slowly so you can take in the motions and the feeling." Wingston Blues flapped her wings as she pulled the practically transparent ice crystals towards herself. The STOMP team could feel a gentle cool breeze swirl around them as this was prepared. Suddenly, the area behind Wingston Blues lit up in a resplendent burst of light. With the shades filtering the strength of the flash, the illuminated silhouette imitated a grand facsimile of Celestia raising the sun for the Summer Sun Celebration, if smaller and lacking a horn. Wingston Blues landed on a cloud and motioned for the group the try.


"Well, I've got boots...like...winter boots. Those should work for one night, right? Mask shouldn't be too hard to get. We can probably just pick a couple up on the way."

At the mention of getting back to work, Static looks up at the clock. "Yeah, I should probably get to the projection booth. I'll see you guys later!"

"Oh, let me try it!" Misty attempts the technique. She's far less graceful than Wingston, but manages to pull it off successfully.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple waves goodbye to the two leaving ponies and then walks into Night Cap's office.

Scarlet was less confident of succeeding at this particular bit of weathercrafting. Still, he was nothing if not game for anything. So he flew up and attempted to duplicate Wingston and Misty.


And nearly, nearly, succeeded.

"Do you mean the old ones... or the new ones, because I'm starting to think some of the old ones are kinda always been part of the new ones." Maple blushes, it was kinda embarrassing to admit that maybe why she was always so good with figuring out what ponies were feeling was because of the fact that she ...had a good sense of smell and taste.

"um... I don't think touching is involved... I mean I turned into that iceprincessalicorn when I tried to help Snowy... Maple trailed off, she was still being punished for that so even though it was great spending time with Mrs. Swirl and Mr. Night Cap today... she regretted bringing that incident up again.

"That may have been what Mrs. Swirl was just trying to help me with... but um, I don't know if everypony else thinks hugs are as fun as I do... I couldn't pretend to be Locky down in the secure artifacts vault and just walk up to his brother Thorn and give him a hug so you could see that one of the items in the deck is actually down there... Maple paused, ...they aren't really in a hug-type mood with each other right now... Even though I'm fairly sure that would fix things. Not to mention make their shift changes as vault guards a little less awkward."

Maple Smirks, "One's a fan of the Masked Mystery Mare and the other likes the Changeling Champion, they've been arguing about their last match for weeks now."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple slunk back toward the door... in her head she knew he didn't mean it like that, but when her changeling magic flared up and she sat back on her hard bug rump... she realized she should still answer the question.

"It feels like it always has, it feels good... I'm sorry Mr. Night Cap, but I don't know very much about changelings... I've only been one my entire life, just recently."

Maple blushed again, though this time is was more of a blue-ish green under her big purple eyes. "those were my whammy eyes... I don't like doing that... it tuckers me out something awful." Maple's emotions were calming back down and her power shifted her back to her ponyself.

"I think that one may be a side effect of being hit by the Magic the Princesses used to time lock the rest of my hive." Maple's eyes shifted down. "I think I did it to myself to make me forget what I was... what I am. But I still can't remember everything from that day. Just bits and pieces."

"Can we try to save everyone with hugs first?"

"Mind control shouldn't be on the table even as a last resort... we're the good guys Mr. Night Cap."
Maple Sighed and then cast her eyes to the side.

"For example, you don't even remember us already having this conversation."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"only an increasingly alarming doubt about whether I was honest just now, or that any of the things you think you know weren't put there in a conversation you no longer remember having potentially never had." Maple sighed.

"um... do you do requests when you Dream walk? I met a very nice Pony today and now that he's old he's begun to worry that somethings have passed him by... like going on super fun adventures while we were talking I mentioned I knew a few Dreamwalkers and would ask if one of hem would take him on a fun little dream adventure so he could have that experience and not be so down in the dumps about it."

Maple smiles big and smiley. "You're the first one I asked, though, so if you don't do that sort of thing it's okay.. and if you do, but you're busy with some other pony who's been waiting their turn for a while I would want to cut in line."

Scarlet was less confident of succeeding at this particular bit of weathercrafting. Still, he was nothing if not game for anything. So he flew up and attempted to duplicate Wingston and Misty.


And nearly, nearly, succeeded.

"Good try, Scarlet!" Misty calls out.

"I wrote down his address... " Maple didn't think about making a map ... oh no!

Rhapsody watched Wingston, studying her movements before taking to the sky. She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment as tried to mimic what she saw Wingstn doe, after Misty and Scarlet had their turns.




Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders
Wingston Blues flew back over to where the pegasi were. "Most of you were successful at this. Scarlet, what do you feel you did wrong?"

"No, but if he wishes he were young again... maybe he can be young in his dream and you can take him somewhere fun and exciting, but not too dangerous."

"I uh...


I kinda overdid the breeze to bring the ice together. Instead of causing the flare like ypu did. I...kinda smooshed them together. I think."

"Well... thanks for the training Mr. Night Cap. I'm actually not sure what I learned, but it must be something super helpful- and I'll likely understand it really well when I'm an Adventure pony too!" Maple begins to back out of the office door

"Alright, I want to see you try again with that in mind."



Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders
Maple left, confused - but excited. everypony was being so nice to her today. Stopping suddenly, she realized she had no idea what to do now... with all the excitement of the morning she'd completely forgot if she had anything else do to regarding her Probation.

Maplejack realized that the best way to figure out what she should be doing would be to look for Brisk Iron.

Maple looks for Brick Iron when she realizes that would be the best way to be reminded of what she was supposed to be doing... the thought had crossed her mind to use her voice and yell... ponies sometimes knew where she was when she did that... but this wasn't a mission and she was in a place where a lot of ponies were attentively working, and she shouldn't disturb them. Because they too would likely be able to find her and ... she didn't need more co-workers mad at her.

so she just went and looked in the usual places.

Scarlet flew up high and tried really hard to stay calm and not try to rush things like last time. Whipping up a light breeze, he concentrated.


Only succeeding in smacking himself in the face with an icy cold mush. :(

Shaking his scruffy and now very damp mane out of his eyes, Scarlet said nothing. He simply glared at the clouds, and tried again.


And did it again!

Rhapsody smirks softly as she watches Scarlet continue to fail, it was almost as amusing as seeing Night Cap fail at the gym, though in her mind she had extra reason to want to see Scarlet fail after replacing Amber. "I guess your not such hot stuff after all. Maybe spending too much time studying artifacts and forgetting your a Pegasus?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders
"Rhapsody, that's not particularly helpful.

However, there is a problem Scarlet. You're doing most of the motions right but it's just not dynamic. I wonder if the problem is a lack of self confidence and I can't help you there. This exercise is something I want you to keep practicing. Knowing how to do this is a valuable skill. I'm sure Misty can help you with this each day after work."

After searching around, Maplejack found that Brisk Iron was in her office. She presented the young changeling with a simple question, "What do you feel you learned today?"

As Static set the first reel running in his projector booth shift, he set the timer and got out a pad of paper.

The Electric Dynamo

The Shocker *shudder*

The Electri



"They make it look so easy coming up with these names!" he muttered to himself.


Dynamo Charger

He rips off the page and tosses it in the trash. He started making sketches for a costume, equally as bad. But the costume itself didn't matter. If he was going to go with the electric theme, he'd have to come up with some things to wow the audience.

Nothing he would use against opponents of course! In character, that would be crossing the line even for a heal. Out of character, he wasn't really looking to hurt someone. But he could still make quite a light show for before and after matches. This would take a bit of gadget making.

He set aside the sketches for now. First he needed a name for tonight.

The Electric Dynamo Charging Shocker

He couldn't cross that one out nearly enough.

"Don't worry, Scarlet! We'll get you back in top weathercrafting form in no time!"
Misty says excitedly, giving him a thump on the back.

"I learned ..um, I think I learned that I'm not as horrible as I feared and my friends are better than I ever dared to dream." "thank you ma'am."

Brisk Iron nodded. "While there's still the probation in place for your actual actions, you are very much welcome here. For the rest of the day, I believe Melon had something for you to do."


"Thank you Ma'am I'll go see him at once."



Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders
As he shook the last of the mush out of his mane, Scarlet had to laugh at his attempts.

"Thanks Wingston. I think in a way, Rhapsodys right. I guess my love of riddles and ruins has taken up most of my time and magical talent. Weathercrafting always tended to come second.

So yeah, not much of a Weather Wizard.

" he added with a slightly dishevelled grin and a wave of a wing at Rhapsody. "it's kinda hard to firget i'm a Pegasus.

Thanks Misty. Hehe. I hope you a lot of patience because it may take a while for me to whip the kind of sun flares you, Wingston and Rhapsody can do."

Looking over at the black pegasus, Scarlet took a deep breath.

"Rhapsody. Can i have a word with you later please. There's a few misunderstanding to clear up between us. Please?"

Rhapsody looks over to Scarlet as he approaches her. "I really don't think we have anything to talk about, but whatever."

"Really? Nothing. You don't feel i might need to discuss your general disdain for me. Or the fact the you seem to think i was brought in as a replacement?

Would it kill you to just... talk to me?

Rhapsody rolled her eyes as Scarlet tried to make the discussion sound urgent. "Oh, those must be really vital to talk about, seeing as its been what... Six month before decided you needed to face me about them? I mean, what's another six months or more? I'm sure you can survive ONE pony not liking you for that much longer."

Scarlet gaver Rhapsody an aggravated look.

"Oh please! its barely been Three, if that, months since i rejoined. So don't exaggerate. In that time, you've only recently gotten out of your singular determination not to talk to anypony unless absolutely necessary. I didn't think the new pony butting into your 'Me Time' would be a particularly clever thing to do.

You're right though, its not vital to you we talk about this. It is to me, because i've had it with your sly jabs at me. So i'll be blunt.

Here, Scarlet mentally crossed his hooves, his wings and any others extraneous limbs. Because if he was wrong here, this would not be pleasant.

"You think i 'replaced' Amber Spark."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple went and found Melon Hide.

"Amer Sparks, leader of Team...other team. We don't actually have team names, Rhapsody and Static have just been short a unicorn since Light Fantastic left. There's only three teams. As a historian, Amber is one of the few ponies to bring her work with her on missions, but in addition to historical knowledge she also has an array of lightning spells and an expansive knowledge of metallurgy. Capable of incredible feats of both magic and pedantism, holds great disdain for everything I stand for on this team. Yet somehow we get along swimmingly. Her teammates are Night Cap and Maplejack."

Snowy, you magnificent bastard! Well, hopefully by now the others would have set him straight.

Maple looked puzzled ... and waves a hoof in front of Mr. Hide's face...

"Were you playing in a staring contest and got stuck Mr. Hide?"

Rhapsody looks to Scarlet and then rolls her eyes. "Please. You're not even fit enough to spit-shine her hooves, let a lone 'replace' her." She replies with an annoyed huff. "You show up the second she 'decides' to leave, take over her projects and then weasel your way into the group, yet ignore me for months. 'Oh but it's not a good time'" The black pegasus says mimicking your voice perfectly, but with a more sniveling tone; likely indicative of how she sees you. "Even Snowy at least had the guts to try something, nearly bucked him into next week... but you might notice, till his little wand stunt; I had no issues with him. Now you think its the time to try and get in good with me? Finally find your spine? Hoping we can make nice? Hoping that after losing pretty much my closest friend on this, you might take over there too? No, he might have been a traitor, but he's still a more admirable pony then you'll ever be." Rhapsody says with another huff, looking down her muzzle harshly at Scarlet staring daggers into him.

"I respect those that are strong, in mind, in body, or even their convictions. Even as much as I utterly abhor Night Cap, I find some respect that he puts up with everything and doesn't give up. He's shown me that under that cowardly, eccentric, weak, easily-distractible, wanna-be criminal, that can't take a single order... that he at least tries to be better, even if only in his dreams. What do you do? Back down from everything, put it off till its convenient to you. Can't even pull off a simple weather crafting trick. Why should I waste my time on you?"
She says and turns away from him. "You're a member of this team, that means I'm going to look out for you, it means I'll protect you. It means I'll stare down stupid buckers that jeopardize everything we're working for, when they think they're vendetta is more important then Equstria's safety. But It doesn't mean I have to like you."

Misty's jaw drops open, and she looks to Scarlet for his reaction.



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Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet let out a short, bitter laugh as he felt his whole body go cold.

"Don't hold back now, Rhapsody," he said sarcastically. "Tell me how you really feel!"

He glared at her. Angrier it seemed, than he'd been in a long time. Angry at her dismissive, demeaning attitude. At her twisting of everything he'd said. At her 'oh i'll look out for even those i don't like'. At her basically calling him spineless scum not worth her time. When next he spoke, Scarlets voice was cold.

"I arrived, Amber left. I took on her job, because its where i used to work and she wasn't there to work with. Her departure was sudden and had nothing to do with me. Something you would know if you had either thought about it logically, or asked the Chief!

I didn't 'Weasel' my way into anyponys good graces. I made friends. Its what happens when you talk to people. No ulterior motive, noattempts at anything other than being nice. I have not, in any way shaoe or form, ignored you. You are the one who walled yourself off in Astronomy, or otherwise avoided everything but professional interactions. How many ways do you know to introduce yourself and broach an uncomfortable subject to somepony who, i'll remind you, didn't want to talk to anypony. So much so they punched a friend. If Snowys bruises, and yes i did notice, are what you do to a 'friend' when they try to get through to you. How would have reacted to a total stranger. Especially somepony who is the worst pony ever ccording to you!

I waited this long because i wasn't about to throw myself into the fire and ruin any chance of building any kind of friendship or mutual respect by causing you grief. Apparently that was wrong and not suicidally gutsy enough for your exacting standards of perfection!"

Scarlet huffed irritably.

"You know? When i i first arrived, i was looking forward to working with you. I thought, because of Snowys description of you, that you were a great, if tough and uncompromising team member and team leader.

You aren't. You're just an unbendingly judgemental mare who does her job on STOMP because she feels she's best suited to do it. So long as the rest do as they're told, why bother caring about them. Thats not a team. Thats you and a group of ponies you work with.

I've said what i needed to say. You don't like me? Fine. You look down on me? Fine. I'm sure i'll make another mistake soon enough and then you can go to the Chief and get rid of me."

Scarlet stood silently then. He wanted to just fly off and judt be done with it. A tiny part of him still hoped for...something more.

So he waited.

Misty's wingtips reach up and quietly shut her gaping mouth.

"Let's clear something up first." She says taking a deep breath as she turns around to face Scarlet once more. "Since you want to put all your cards on the table, well lets see how my hoof compares to yours. I didn't strike Snowy because he tried to talk to me. Snowy likes to push his luck, He knew exactly what he was getting into. I gave him ample warning to lay off. He didn't. So I bucked him, not out of angry, not because he was trying to talk to me. But because he was intentionally pushing buttons to get a reaction out of me, and we both knew that was what he was doing. That's why he hid the injury; He got the result he was looking for, regardless what needed to be done to get there." Which even if you don't believe her, would line up with how Snowy acted in all other avenues including with the wand theft. "Afterwards I helped him up. We talked as if nothing happened; and he invited me to a concert later. The strike destroyed the tension between us. He took a chance and it paid off." She states as he looks to him, her own voice calm, yet stern. "I don't attack my teammates. Something you would know if you had either thought about it logically, or asked the Chief." She says with a disturbingly sweet smile.

As Scarlet goes on about his how he sees Rhapsody vs what he's heard she just shakes her head in a bit of annoyance. "Snowy romanticizes a great many things. I've no idea what exactly he told you about me, but the truth is likely somewhere between it and the view of an outsider that can't even try." She says with a huff, and yes she was continuing to push that angle. "Actually, lets keep up with the whole 'Something you would know if you had either thought about it logically, or asked the Chief'. Train, shall we? Snowy told you that I was somepony that essentially, everypony on this team respects for strength and leadership. Yet, that conflicts with your views? Have you even bothered to think through why that might be? Or bring up your feelings to the chief? Or ask the other teammates? OR have you been bull headed in just judged me on what you see without digging deeper? Only getting upset that I'm not making it easy for you. Isn't puzzles supposed to be what you are GOOD at? Amber would have asked questions and made a nuisance of herself trying to figure it out if things were reversed, a great mystery plaguing her every thought, one that seemed like couldn't be solved. Certainly not going to be the next Diamond Dazzler either are you?" She says with a mocking laugh.

"Tell ya what, Since you need all the help you can get. I'll even give you a lead, as I'm feeling generous gumshoe: 'Don't let the friction cause too much static between us, you could just be getting the wrong signal.'" She states, deciding to direct him towards the last pony that had these issues with her.



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Council of Elders
Scarlet blinked.

You idiot.

What did he just say?

You, idiot.

What did he just do!


" Oh, buck! "

Distracted by his sudden inner tirade, Scarlet responded to the first thing that came to mind.

"Mum's as sharp-witted in real life as she is in the movies. You'd like her."

For a long moment, Scarlet just stared at the ground as it sunk in that he had just accused Rhapsody of being unnecessarily judgemental and harsh. By being unnecessarily judgemental and harsh. With a quick shake of his head, Svarlet brought things back into focus and triedagain.

"I royally screwed that one up, didn't i.

No. I'm no detective. Not even close. I'll go around and poke my nose into ancient tombs, locked sanctums or... puzzle boxes, but not other ponies lives. I don't like butting in anymore. Maybe i've spent too much time on my own, i don't know. I just didn't want to bother you. Your general disdain for me made it easier to justify that. If that sounds like an excuse then, yes, i guess it is. I have not ignored you though. If nothing else will you will at least try to accept that. I have avoided pressing the issue because other things came up, like Major Delight. but i have not ignored you.

I have been wrong before and i am wrong now. Still, you could at least attempt to not be biased against me? That combined with the fact the you are intimidating does make it hard to... Well, try and talk to you.

Finally running out of words, Scarlet lapsed into silence. He didn't think things could get much worse. However, he doubted anything he said now could fix his ill-advised tirade.

Stepping forward, Misty puts a wing on Scarlet's shoulder. "Scarlet, I still think you're right about one thing. If ponies don't care about each other, then that's not a team. She looks over to Rhapsody. "Rhapsody... I'm worried about you. If you keep going like this, working with ponies when you don't like them or don't trust them, one day you might wonder why you do it at all."

In a different time and place Scarlet admitting that Diamond Dazzler was his mother, would get a stronger reaction from her. As it is She blinks and takes a step back, with a shake of her head. She was still rather peeved with Scarlet for her to question that revealation further. Maybe something for later.

Rhapsody fixes her gaze on Scarlet once more. "Yes, yes you did. I'm not easy to get along with, I know that. I make no apologizes for it. I am direct and blunt. Most on this team at least respect that. I make mistakes usually becuase I get blinded by duty. Talk to Splash Faunt about our first meeting. We we're on opposite sides, and even after she and her team had been beaten I'd treated them poorly despite their help. I couldn't chance it, too much was on the line. By luck the teams crossed paths again, I apologized and now she's back to working with us.

She huffs softly, taking a moment to breath and focus. "Static and I, had a fight not too different from this shortly after he joined the team. He didn't approve of how I did things, but after one of our more... extreme missions he ended up starting to see why and how I did things, and realizing that he ended up agreeing with many of my judgement calls. I'm not sure if I'd call us friends, but he at least has a working respect for me and my methods and when we work togeather nowadays we're rather effectent at getting stuff done. He trust my judgement and I trust to not get killed, despite his best efforts to the contrary..." She says, and there is a slight eye twitch as the memory of the yellow pony intentionally leaping to his doom... and only barely missing comes to mind.

"Again, I'm harsh, I'm blunt, and yes even judgemental; but I've kept this team safe and been the leader they needed. If I get upset when ponies don't listen, that's usually becuase I've already gotten plans laid down to accomplish our goals when things are critical. Somepony that refuses to listen or goes off plan when say... a dozen ponies are trapped in an air tight vualt and decides to fight the battle instead. Yes, I am going to be rather upset with them, yes I am going to request that they should be removed from the team. Our priority is to help as many as possible, not just the maybe one friend we might have on the team." She still wasn't sure what all you'd heard about her or about past missions, but as you'd mentioned her trying to get you fired; she figured she had to address that one.

"Had I not been trying to contain a dangerous artifact, I probably would have attempted to knock some sense into Major Delight the other day. I may not like you, but he quickly stepped out of line. I don't care what your issues are, you put them aside when when dealing with magical artifacts that could potentially doom all pony kind. You may have noticed that despite any issues I have with you, I never brought them up while on offical business. I can usually divorce my self from my personal feelings when on STOMP business."

Rhapsody looks over to Misty with a faint huff as the good natured blue pegasus spoke up and 'questioned' her resolve "No. I know why I do it. That will never change." She says solemnly.



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"I still think you've got it wrong. I think a team is strongest when everypony trusts and cares about each other... and respects each other's talents."

When the workday ended, those interested had time to gear up and head to the tag team tryouts. There was a desk setup for them to begin the registration.

Meanwhile, Maplejack made a visit to the Keep's gardens when work ended. It seemed like a good time to see how the grapes she planted were coming along.

Static walked up to the registration pony. "Hello! I am...THE TESLA TITAN!" His boldness deflated a bit. He smiled at the registration pony sheepishly. "The name's a work in progress, really. I don't know. Is Tesla Titan okay? Everything I've come up with sounded wrong and that's the one that sounded best and...it's all wrong isn't it?"

The receptionist seemed quite in the wrestling spirit as they responded with, "Grr, first you slam down a signature to the injury waiver. Next, you tackle name, teammate name, address, height, weight, and any special concerns like allergies. Finally, you go for the pin with another injury waiver!


Any questions?"

[Address? They need my address? Aren't I still trying to hide that from certain ponies?]

[You're not worried that there's two separate injury waivers?]

[Not really. Just keeping my address private.]

"Umm, just a couple questions. Who all sees this information? Because...there's...certain people...I wouldn't want knowing where I live. Also, stage name or real name on this line here?"



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Council of Elders
"Only management and specially authorized individuals see this info. Some wrestlers have crazy fans and even ignoring that, it would betray the persona which is bad for business. As far as name, both unless you're only going by your real name."

The Tesla Titan grins as he fills out the paper work and handed it back. "All filled out! What next?"

"Just follow the signs to the waiting area and we'll be starting shortly."

As Maplejack tended to the grapes, she suddenly heard a familiar voice. "With that wonderful scent, it seems you're making sure they're being taken care of." It was none other than Grape Vine. She had a warm smile was flanked by four purple suited ponies in shades. However, it wasn't the Mauvenine Four.

"Oh my gosh, Boss Vine! How are you?" Maple asks standing up and rushing over for a hug, guards or no guards

"Thank you very much," the Tesla Titan says with a bow. "You'll no doubt be very impressed with what I do to these other...wannabees...or...something like that. That's how heels talk...right?" *sigh*

Static claps Night Cap on the back as he starts off toward the waiting area. "We made it! I didn't think it would be this quickly...but...here we are!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Misty enters the building through one of the back entrances. This wasn't supposed to be the big day, but... it still makes her nervous. It's a brave new world for her, after all.

She watches the other ponies go by, hoping one of them will recognize her and tell her where she needs to be.

Static does a double take. "Well I'll be a son of a..." He walks up to Misty, forgetting for a moment that he's wearing an outfit that may not let her recognize him. "Hey, Misty! Fancy meeting you here! Registration table's over there...or...did you come to watch?

Seeing her walk in, Green Bean waved for her to follow.


Scarlet was taking a slow fly around the city. After his 'conversation' with Rhapsody... he needed a little time to calm down. He'd screwed up and was mad at himself.

It was a start. Just not quite the start he'd hoped for. Optimistically, any future chats with Rhapsody should involve more thought and less accusation from him.

So he soared around and let the wind cool his mind and body. He knew something was going on, but wasn't entirely sure where he was going.

"Ah!" Misty's face brightens, and she follows after Green Bean.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The purple suited guards seemed to reflexively begin to react but stopped, allowing Maplejack to give Grape Vine a hug. "I've been doing fine. Been updating bank security, working on building projects around the Falls, and other odds and ends. What have you been up to?"

Upon entering Green Bean's office, Misty Monsoon was given an ID card and some papers to sign. It had a location on it that she hadn't seen before. Could be interesting. "You've been doing well with your training so I decided to give you a shot at an opportunity that came up. This is an upcoming exhibition tournament showcasing up and coming wrestlers in each region. I know you may have to adjust your work schedule but if you're free, we can cover travel expenses. Interested?"

Night Cap, Static Signal, and several other waiting tag teams were escorted out to the ring. It was fairly quiet and there were very few ponies in the stands. In the center of the ring were two ponies, the members of the tag team Washboard Waylay. One walked over to the microphone and said, "Welcome to the tryouts! This little tournament we'll be looking to see who all has what it takes for the exciting world of wrasslin'. While you obviously want to try to win, we'll also be looking to see potential. Alright first up, how many faces do we have?" Six teams put their hooves up. "And how many heels?" Other than Static Signal and Night Cap, only one other team raised their hooves.

"YOU BET!" Misty exclaimed. *Ahem* "Er, I mean... yes, thank you, I'm very interested!"

Static looked from team to team, sizing them up.

He'd look at one team:
[Oh dear! We may be heels, but I don't want to hurt anypony!]

He'd look at another team:
[Oh dear! Good thing we're heels. We'll need every advantage we can get. I don't want to get hurt by anypony!]

Static was tough, and he knew it. But looking around, he could see he wasn't the only tough one. He started to become nervous, hoping he hadn't just bitten off more than he could chew.

"We got this," he said with a false bravado, offering Night Cap a hoof bump.

"I'm on Probation." Maple sighed.

"also I've been asked to take on a few more responsibilities at the Keep... which is kinda confusing now that I think about it, but I'm Mr. Night Cap's adventuring assistant and I helped put up posters for the Marketing department."

Maple looked down at her grapes and then back to Boss Vine, "What brings you to the Keep, I'm afraid I'm not on the tour schedule right now, but if you have a second... do you think I'm raising these little guys right?" Maple holds up some of the grapes but then adds. "Unless you've got something important to do?"

Grape Vine smiled. "It looks like they're coming along quite well but will still take a few cycles to properly match the quality in the Falls. As far as why I'm here, I have quite the present for your Chief Director. You might say...something from one boss to another."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Presents are Wonderful, friends should give them to each other as often as they can... also hugs, unless the hug is the present and ooh.... Maple stopped hopping, and put a hoof to her chin, ...I just left her office not long ago, she's likely still there... do you know the way?"

Maple points out various interesting things on the way to the office.

"here we are Boss Vine, I hope I wasn't too rusty."

Static sizes up the opponents while whispering to Night Cap. "Why don't I go first? I can take the hits, wear them out, let you study their weaknesses. Then I tag you in and you can finish them off."

Static raised an eyebrow. He'd seen exactly the same number of wrestling matches that Night Cap had. He shook it off. He had a fight to start.

He turns to face his opponents with a wide, bloodthirsty grin on his face. "So...you're the one's who are supposed to 'challenge' me? Heh! C'mon then...challenge me!"

Feeling fine after the meeting, Misty is about to head out to see how the tryout matches were going, but stops just before walking through the double doors to the arena. No, there was somewhere else she needed to be.

She heads back out the exit and takes to the sky, looking for Scarlet Spectrum.


It's not long before she spots the wayward pegasus flying over the city. "Scarleeeeeeeeeettt!" she calls out as she heads toward him.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It was finally decided that Crush Crouton would go first. Upon hearing the bell ring, he announced, "Your tasteless tactics are no match for a morsel of justice!" He lifted his hooves for a test of strength.


"Oh no, it was quite a wonderful mini tour." Brisk Iron opened the door. "Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you Brisk Iron. I have some fairly important information for us to discuss. I can send these four elsewhere for the moment. Perhaps the garden?" "Yes, Maple please lead them back outside."

"Yes, Ma'ams!" Maple smiles and motions with a wing for the four grape guards to follow her. "I wonder if I still have time to meet up with Static and Mr. Night Cap."


The Tesla Titan acts like he's about to accept the test of strength. Instead he gives Crush Crouton a chop to the gut and a fierce shove face first to the mat. "Justice? I'll give you justice...the only justice that matters! Who wins and who loses...that's the only true justice!"

[Where the Tartarus did that come from?]

A brief flash of concern that such words came his own mouth all too easily crossed Statics face. But he had a role to play.

Confident that he just ended this match early, the Tessa Titan went to tag his partner in for the pin. "You got the pin. Let's finish this!"

Having drifted off into a kind of half-daze as his mind turned recent events over and over and over, and over again. The sound of his name being called startled Scarlet back into focus. Ish.


Scarlet shook his head, and dropped slightly.

"Aah! Oh, right," he muttered as he recovered himself and banked around to find Misty zooming towards him.

"Hey Misty! Whats up?"

Anypony paying even the slightest bit of attention could see Static breaking character the instant he sees Night Cap's costume.

His bravado-filled grin turns into a nasty sneer that no actor could fake. His eyes chill and shoot daggers at his partner. His ears pin back and his stance clinches down almost ready to lunge at Night Cap. Anypony can see that his death-glare is most certainly aimed at his partner instead of his opponents.

Those close enough to hear could also hear a distinctly different voice than what he had been using. "What...the...buck?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
After a quick three count, Crush Crouton was out. There were various murmurs among the other wrestlers.


"Ah! I'm glad I found you. I wanted to make sure you were alright, after... you know," Misty replies. "I know Rhapsody was kinda rough on you. But she's been upset ever since Amber left, and I think... what happened with Snowy... just made it worse. I'm honestly kinda worried about her too... I know she's tough, but... anyways, I wanted you to know, don't take it too hard, okay?"

Static regained his composure as the Tessla Titan and stared hard at the murmurs and entered back into the ring. "What? Have you not been entertained?" He whispers to Night Cap as he passes so nopony can hear. "We need to talk about your costume." He raises up Night Caps hoof in victory. "Have we not proven the weakness of their so-called 'justice'?"

He walks over, eying Seasoning Sprinkle. "I laugh in the face of your 'justice'." He leans over and whispers to Seasoning. "You and my partner deserve a chance to shine. Sorry I don't always know my own strength. Act outraged at what I just whispered to you."

The Tessa Titan has a crude smirk plastered on his face as he pulls away and walks back over to Crush. "Oh but then I guess your justice doesn't allow for that kind of fun. Your brand of justice ends at the ringing of a bell." The Tesla Titans smirk grew. "This is my brand of justice."

Static hoof came down in a thunderous stomp. The referee and Night Cap were close enough to tell it was a complete miss. Everypony else just saw the Tesla Titan stomping a defenseless opponent.

Static hated doing this. Even just acting, this felt way too close to another time when he actually was a heel. Still, Night Cap and Seasoning deserved their shot at proving themselves. So another stomp came thundering down.

"Your partner's getting shocked. Come! Fight my partner or this just keeps going." Stomp! "Prove to us all your 'justice'."

Static spared a wary glance at Night Cap.

[Does he know that we're only acting here? Because if not, that could get extraordinarily dangerous if he feels threatened.]

[He was there when Rhapsody and Pendulumnae explained things right?]

[Which probably means he doesn't have a clue. Watch him carefully. Make sure nopony gets killed.]

He whispers back. "No! I'll explain later. Get ready for your own match!"

Seasoning Sprinkle started to climb into the ring until, "Wait, why would I fight your partner? If you were stomping my partner for real, I'd be going after you. Ref?" The referee sighed and patted Static Signal on the back. "I know you mean well on trying to give them a chance but don't take it too hard on yourself. These two have been trying out for years."

After all the teams had went through the first round, those who advanced prepared for round two. Static Signal and Night Cap found themselves up against two unicorn mar! es--Sun Gleam and Moon Glitter. Their attire was quite royally colored and Moon Glitter was up first. "Your vile trampling of opponents has not gone unnoticed you thundrous fiend! In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!"



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