Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Maystor missspelur
Wanna see a Magic Trick?

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
See, This is why I'm taken aback every time I hear someone say they want the next HasLab to be Primus. The sheer size and mass of the Unicron figure made it as expensive as it was, and it pretty much failed to fund in it's first go-round, needing an unprecedented extension because Hasbro couldn't afford to let it fail. Do people really want to pay that much money a second time for a figure just as large and massive that will take up just as much space as Unicron does?
"Just as large"?

"Just as much space"?


I think we're gonna need a bigger HasLab.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
If you're ok with an Action Master Primus you could just have it as a shell that goes over your dog or pump house, and then put HasLab Unicron on top of it. Or if you wanted higher-end, a Cybertron shaped storage shed that you can then put your OTHER toys inside.

The only problem I see otherwise is that in Robot Mode it will have to ride in the bed of a pickup truck as it won't fit in the front seats, and some states won't let you legally do that anymore.


Another babka?
I still like that Drift a lot. I wouldn't sneeze at an update, but that Generations / United version is still fun to fiddle with. Hefty and solid, too.
I adore that mould so much I still use the Blurr version of it as my collection's Blurr.

Drift is really fun and, even back then, felt like something of an event. Sure, his initial comic outing didn't do his character the most favours but his design was spot on. He felt like his own thing, his sword was cool, he had additional weaponry hidden in his kibble... he's just an all around good design. Definitely one that fits in with the wider Generations TF aesthetic but is still his own thing.

There have been a few cracks at a revisit and none of them feel like the total package like the original. Like you I'd be interested in seeing another try at an update, but if not well... I'm quite happy with the OG.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I still like that Drift a lot. I wouldn't sneeze at an update, but that Generations / United version is still fun to fiddle with. Hefty and solid, too.
It's one of the molds I'm keeping from that era.

Although I'd LOVE it if Hastak officialized that Deadlock/Drift digibash from Prime Wars Trilogy Punch/Counterpunch.

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