Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual



Another babka?
Honestly cannot tell which of these two looks better than the other, sculpt and proportion-wise.
They each have their strengths and weaknesses and I agree, it's pretty much a wash. I almost didn't get the new one because I have the original and he was perfectly fine and not in need of an update. I went ahead though, after hearing a lot of positive buzz.

I think they both do a good job representing the character in their own way. I just wish the Legacy version had a bit more paint apps, especially on the forearms and legs. I'd usually rely on ToyHax but they decided to overlay all of their red and gold stickers for this guy with a weird techno circuitry pattern that doesn't match the red and gold already on the figure.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I have a strange fondness and affinity for the original that makes it the only "right" looking thing in my eyes, flaws and all. The new one looks great in isolation (if a bit weedy) and seems to pose like a dream, but put them side by side and it's no contest. Limited articulation and kind of parts-clashy transformation and all, the chonky original is absolutely it.

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