Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Somehow still sane
I’d probably go with the crappy localized vampires that lived in a hole in the ground and were likely tuberculosis outbreaks. Shitty lore, never all that popular but a great core concept.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Still weird how they made an entire movie out of the guy who was flickering the lights in SpongeBob.

Extra weird is how they forgot to add any sound to the movie. I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
even weirder that the documentary about the making of the Nosferatu movie was in colour and had sound. and that they found it so well preserved so long after the film itself was released to theaters


Wondering bot
I had a reasonable day in work until it was time to come home, found my rear bike wheel had lost pressure, again, so clearly a faulty inner tube, its been having on a regular basis, loosing pressure and going down, also, my front bike light, wasn't lighting up very well and found when I got home and checked the batteries that, they were almost or completely flat, thankfully, travelling home doesn't take long on bike, less than 10 min on bike and its mainly down hill, but going to work, its up hill a bit, thou its pretty easy as the distance is about a mile!

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
If your inner tubes keep leaking and breaking, check the inside of the tire and rim. There could be a loose spoke or some kind of debris poking holes in the tube. I've had that happen before.


Wondering bot
Normally we do check, but then I think the problem is the valve as its ok one day and the next, not and the problem started after the last change the other week, came to it and found that the wheel had lost pressure while being idiol for a day or so, its not like its left for months on end, unlike my parents bikes, they just sit in the garbage going NOWHERE and have flat tires as they not been used in so long, but I'll look later in the week when my next day off comes around, I'm not great at changing the wheel, its always a hasle and I take care of my bike for the most part as its my only means of transport from A - B, never got a drivers license and with my job being local, I don't need one and much of what I need is local anyway, thou if I wish, I could take the bus, but they cost money and I have very little reason to go to my nearest city when everything I need is pretty local, aside from TF figures, but that ordering online is about these days as my local Toy shop, isn't that great, but its a small store that apart of what was once a supermarket and since then, its been spilt into five shops/restaurants/Fast food with the Toy shop being the odd one out! For now, tomorow before work, I'll pump my tier back up and hope it stays up for the next couple of days, the last tube problem when it went, was the valve!


Fabulously Foxy Dragon

Oops, some images seem to have fallen out of the link. I sure hope nobody looks at them.






Staff member
Council of Elders
That just blocks the popup. The real trick is to get around the detection. Right now you want to use the default filters, and turn off any other adblockers, including stuff built into your browser. It's working for me so far.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Haven't had any problems since I blocked the popup(though I did have to refresh the first time), but I never used custom filters anyways.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Interestingly, listening to some music, I had a moment where it gave me the frame for a video ad a couple times, but no actual ad loaded, then it went on to the actual video.


Staff member
Council of Elders
It's going to be glitchy. YouTube and uBlock are changing things just about every day now to try to thwart each other.

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