Studio Series 86 Appreciation Thread


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'd be more understanding if Rodimus were an inherently difficult design. He's really not.

Absolutely, or like you said, if this were a novel attempt that isn't just straight reusing remaining faithful to that concept. He's really, really not difficult. Even allowing for the extra steps and engineering involved in having him do more than plank under the trailer. I don't care about the apparent value difference vs. the prior Commander figures, or whether the extra engineering bits for the wheels or the hands or the pistons or blah blah are worth it. He gets so close to done and then isn't.

Carve out a sliiiightly bigger space for the car's rear block to fit back into the trailer. Let the spoiler slide forward or something. Maybe have a slide-down piece to complete the pipes. Done. Drop the accessory drawer or the exhaust blast effects if you have to. Just don't let this go into production looking like the two parts don't actually match.

There's a fanmade altmode shell of the front/car half that can plug into the trailer for the full altmode. If not for the cost I'd grab one, as it's not really that much different from what MP09 ended up doing anyway.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maybe just a bigger trailer was needed, since I just remembered that it can barely close half the time when the gun turret is inside as it is.


Well-known member
I’m also betting it’s going to be the G1 version that Takara just put out with minor changes and a new trailer.
That will definitely take the wind out of the Missing Link sails if true. I'd think there'd be a bunch of cancellations.


Continuity Nutcase
Yeah, I sincerely doubt that this Commander is going to be the same thing as the Missing Link toys. The one that comes with a trailer is way more expensive than the Commander class price point, while the one that lacks the trailer is a fair bit below Commander class price.


Well-known member
I'd be more understanding if Rodimus were an inherently difficult design. He's really not.

Look at Masterpiece Ironhide and Ratchet. It’s a box that transforms into stacked boxes and they fucked it up completely.

Seriously, it’s without question the worst MP they’ve ever done at this point and it’s outshined by MULTIPLE $25 Deluxes…


NOT a New Member.
That actually feels a little insulting. It's a razor-thin margin of error, if that's all it is.
Yes, it was rather. I felt the same when I first discovered how easy it was to get it "wrong". Definitely poor design on their part. Some TFs (such as 3P ones) don't take into account the "stupidity" (if you will) of most of us who use different ways to problem-solve (in this case, to transform something). Good design will allow for that, or at least make it obvious which way to transform it.


Well-known member
How many barely different Optimuses are they hoping I buy?

It makes sense to have an Optimus as part of Studio Series, but its just not something my collection craves. Happy it exists for those who need/want it.


Well-known member
Look at Masterpiece Ironhide and Ratchet. It’s a box that transforms into stacked boxes and they fucked it up completely.

Seriously, it’s without question the worst MP they’ve ever done at this point and it’s outshined by MULTIPLE $25 Deluxes…
Wow, harsh. I'm not looking to say that MP Ironhide and Ratchet are among the better MPs, but I'm hard-pressed to think of a SINGLE Ironhide/Ratchet Deluxe that I'd actually call as good....

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
ER Op is fine in the "if this is the last G1 Optimus we get than it's a pretty good one to go out on." but he's Optimus Prime so that was never going to be the case; Hasbro will forever be looking at cashing in on him, so we're getting this no matter what, in which case, bully for those looking to upgrade or who missed on out on Op in the first place.

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