The "What made you happy today" thread!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Okay, so that actually worked.

I have a cash back credit card. I don't use it much, so about once or twice a year I get 25 bucks put on the card. Since the balance is always zero (I only use it to buy stuff online, and only buy stuff when I have the money for it: I pay the card off immediately.) it kinds of stands out when I have a -25 balance.

A while back, my brother told me I could transfer from the credit card to the bank account.

Welp, between the new desk, and the steam summer sale, I tripped the 25 buck cash back, and had the -25 balance. So I paid my bank account from the credit card... and it worked.

Long story short, I got half back on my steam summer sale purchases. Which makes me feel very good.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
That's the smart way to use a credit card!

As for me, my latest commission is basically done, just going to give it one more once-over before I confirm with the artist. Didn't want to try to rush that before work(saw the message like 5 minutes before leaving).

Also got all of next week off! Don't know what I'm going to do with it yet though. Last week-long break I ended up finally finishing my website build at but I don't have any projects that big outside games at the moment. Might try writing a bit again if the muse takes me.


Wondering bot
I finished building the lego model of the Black smith shop, last night, but I still got a bunch of things I need to do for what I got planned, but first I need more parts in which I am waiting on still and reorganise some TFs near my desk so that its clear as I plan to move the lego D&D set there and build the other models of the 3 in 1 castle set (have two unbuilt currently stored under my bed), also I need to reorganise another part called a book case shelf of TFs with no real theming, stuff I want to do, but its a matter of doing it! Another thing that made me happy today, was getting my hair cut, feels better having shorter hair when the warm weather is upon us!


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
After 7 years, I FINALLY got a perfect Veteran Maelstrom Arena run in ESO. Of course it was with my Oakensorc that I originally set up for Infinite Archive, but still.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I got a new desk today!

Okay, so I had a hell of a time finding the pick up point, the mall around it was mostly dug up (stupid giant outdoor mall built by stupid texans.), and the drivers on the road today are half crazed between tomorrow being a holiday, tomorrow being the day where 35% of the population move house, and the looming storms for this afternoon.

But I got a new desk... now I just need to assemble it.

Edit: was down with a migraine yesterday afternoon. I got the to desk this morning. I am... slowly losing my respect for ikea. It's not as well built or designed as previous furniture. But I have a newer, slightly larger desk. Which means I can have my cat flop on the desktop without slamming into the keyboard.
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