Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread


Well-known member

honestly, not the slur i was expecting him to drop.


Well-known member
Is it just me or is Paladin's link not a link?
I know what it's about though; the Orange Skull called Harris the R-slur.

And Project 2025 is against even teaching kids why using slurs is inappropriate, along with every other way in which it's horrifying.


Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
People love to make fun of Trump for his idiotic idea of curing Covid with bleach, but they tend to forget his equally idiotic idea that the reason for high Covid rates in America was "too much testing". Not to mention his idiotic claim that windmills cause cancer, or his idiotic claim that the national debt can be solved by simply "discounting" it, or his idiotic claim that import tariffs are paid by other countries, etc.

If you have heard the things Trump says over the past 8 years and you don't think he's an idiot, then quite frankly, YOU must be an idiot.

Trump is running neck-and-neck with Kamala Harris right now for one reason: millions of voters are idiots. And we're not supposed to say that out loud because it's rude, or something.


Well-known member
Is it just me or is Paladin's link not a link?
I know what it's about though; the Orange Skull called Harris the R-slur.

And Project 2025 is against even teaching kids why using slurs is inappropriate, along with every other way in which it's horrifying.

The other day when he said she was obviously very low IQ, I googled to see whether we actually have a public number on her IQ and it wasn't available, but I saw a lot of tweets and Reddits and stuff saying things like "She is 90 IQ MAX, probably lower" and I really don't know how people think they are able to estimate IQ numbers. It is so poorly understood. The people tweeting that probably think they are really smart and 90 is an idiot, but 90 isn't REALLY an idiot. We identify idiots by things they say and do and that might be found at a lot of different IQ levels, but 90 is actually PRETTY NORMAL. Everything from 90-109 is considered within the margin of error of average intelligence. And these scores make a normal distribution. 68% of the population falls in this range. Most of the people you know. There is a vast difference between this and someone in the 50s. Someone with an IQ of 90 can go a long way. Colleges don't ask for your IQ. Doctoral programs don't ask for your IQ. They ask for your grades and test scores and 90 IQ people just aren't shut out of any of that. It just isn't as easy as it is for someone smarter.

We don't have Kamala's grade, but she got into pretty good schools and graduated with a law degree. She failed the bar exam on first attempt, which is fairly common. Passed on the second. She could BE IQ 90 and that would be fine. I don't think we'd be able to tell from where we are sitting.

We don't know a lot about Trump's education. He graduated from Wharton just as he says, which is a good school. He didn't pursue an advance degree like Harris, but we know and he knew that he didn't need one. There was one of his professors from there that has said publicly something like that Trump was about the dumbest student he ever had, but that could be just some person talking. Trump says he has a genius IQ. It is very unlikely. Being in the top 2% on IQ allows us to draw a lot more conclusions about someone. They understand concepts and recognize patterns easily. Trump could have ANY IQ and be as ignorant as he is if he just didn't bother to learn, but all sorts of things that he is constantly exposed to he doesn't seem to understand and it is not to his advantage to pretend not to. Just take the tariffs on Chinese imports. If it is a good policy, it is because it makes it harder for China to compete in our market. But Trump continually touts that he is taxing China and that he's going to expand that and money is going to pour into our nation. Every time he does that, the news cycle talks about how tariffs work and we know that he watches the news cycle. Now, he got a degree in economics, so he must have gotten at least a C in Macro, but he could have skipped that day and still gotten his C. But I think someone with a genius IQ hears a critic on TV saying that he misunderstands tariffs and he's going to google it or open a book and the results are going to make sense to him. It should be easy. And ego might keep a genius idiot from admitting their error, but ego should also make a genius stop repeating it.
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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So it turns out the coachella rally turned into a charlie foxtrot. 7 hours in 102 farenheit heat waiting for trump, then the buses were cancelled and left the few thousand who turned up 2 hours from their cars in the near freezing cold. Depleted the gas, as it was told. Trump got out in private SUV, but they get to walk 6 miles to their cars on an unlit country road in the middle of the night.

And they're blaming the coachella mayor, their blaming the bus company, their blaming literally anyone and everyone except the guy responsible.

I said this a while ago: harris called out trump on his rally sizes, and this was punishing his supporters for no other reason than to make his ego feel better. And the people: literal risk of life and death on this: and for what? And old man ranting at clouds and the chance to scream slurs and slogans at great leader.


Now with hi-res avatar!
Why does this sound familiar?

Oh, right. Because the same thing happened at least four times in 2020.


wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
And they never wake up. They never have that little spark of thought and realize; when it keeps happening, it has to be trump.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Trump's campaign will gladly pay to bring people to the rallies so their orange dipshit can see a big crowd. Once that purpose is served, they don't care what happens. People are just props to them.


Well-known member
Why does this sound familiar?

Oh, right. Because the same thing happened at least four times in 2020.

I don't think I ever saw that stuff before.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
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