Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread


Well-known member
One of the dumbest unforced errors of the night was how much time Trump spent talking about how obstructionists had kept him from replacing ObamaCare with something so much better and then not being about to say, after 7 years, that he knew what he would replace it with given the chance. You do not say you have some concepts of a plan, bro. I am just spit-balling here, I don't have conservative policy advisors to prep me, but you can always go with "I'll cut out the inefficient government bureaucracies" and "We'll get America to innovate again". Land sakes. How much time did he put on saying Kamala hasn't done any of these things for 3 years only to turn around and say "it has been my passion to fix this for the American people for 8 years and I already have a few ideas".


Well-known member
The weird part to me is I see the earring and imagine that someone is feeding her information and I start to think about how big or small of an advantage it gives her and then I get distracted thinking about how if this is really a contest of whether these people can bring up information in a split second and argue against another person, then it isn't actually very useful. When you are President, you are allowed to have a cabinet and a fairly unlimited staff of advisors on any topic. It would actually be more interesting if they were allowed to have an earpiece and we could measure how deep their team is.
Fun fact. Lots of television shows (I'm thinking game shows) use headpieces that fit in one's ear for much this purpose. You can't even see them on-screen. If folks WERE feeding info to Kamala in this way, they wouldn't use something folks could meme about.


Well-known member
I wish you'd read what you post. The Judge had reasons, I don't agree with but sound legal reasons, for dropping those charges.

Ironbite-sucks but what you gonna do?


Well-known member
While funny, I really don't think misnaming the place you're making a speech in a period when you are flying around making speeches everywhere is a very important metric of anything. I'm more concerned about the rest of the sentence. He is reminding them of a 2000% increase in something and I can't think of a something where it isn't just dead flat lying.


Well-known member
I know and we just get used to it, but seriously each individual total lie is more important than saying the wrong place he is giving a speech. It always sounds dumb every time someone does it, but I call my daughters the wrong name too and it isn't because I have dementia or I don't care about them.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Yeah, but when you do it, it's just a mistake. When he lies, it's hard to tell anymore if it's an actual deliberate lie, or just empty bluster from not stopping to think about what he's saying, or his incipient dementia setting in, or genuine stupidity, or someone feeding him the wrong info .......

Basically his lying is far more complicated than it looks at first glance.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Also this is the sort of thing they would bring up about Biden. If Trump thinks Biden misspeaking is a disqualifier, then it should be for Trump too.


Well-known member
Yeah, but when you do it, it's just a mistake. When he lies, it's hard to tell anymore if it's an actual deliberate lie, or just empty bluster from not stopping to think about what he's saying, or his incipient dementia setting in, or genuine stupidity, or someone feeding him the wrong info .......

Basically his lying is far more complicated than it looks at first glance.
The goal posts just moved on me!

Yes, when I do it, it's just a mistake. I wasn't comparing that to him making up lies. I was comparing to him saying Pennsylvania when he was somewhere else.


Well-known member
Well, ok, but what did she say? Trump says Jan 6 exploded into something he didn't mean to happen, but when you analyze what he said and did, it is difficult not to come at least to the conclusion that he could have suspected it would happen.


Well-known member
She accused specific neighbors of doing it once.
And didn't think people would turn it into claims of a whole demographic of people doing it regularly.

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