Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Naruto Shippuden)


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Batman- Gotta be the Batmobile, right? Question is what version? BTAS is beloved, the Battinson Batmobile promotes the recent iteration of the brand, the Tumblr is from what everyone calls the best Batman movie ever, and the '89 version gets you that '80s property crossover they got with Ghostbusters, BttF, and Knight Rider.

I would put my money on the '89 Batmobile, just because of the 80's property synergy. However, don't forget the '66 Batmobile. It's nearly as iconic and fondly remembered, and could provide some interesting body pieces to integrate into a robot mode.


Well-known member
Here's what I see being the most likely Batmobiles in order:

89, BTAS, 66, Tumbler, The Batman; the first four are various levels of Iconic, with 89 and BTAS both being contemporary enough to TF like a lot of crossovers have been; 66 is kinfa infamous, the Tumbler even if I don't care for it a lot of people like the Nolanverse, and The Batman just becuase its the current one and probably easiest to get from a remold. Even though I like it being a suped up muscle car, rather then a tank, it is the most boring of the options.


Kaiser Dragon
Is it wrong that when I see the words "The Batman" I still think of the 2004 Kids WB! cartoon first instead of the more recent movie?
You're not the only one. Pattinson was ok, but the movie left no impact on me at all really. I can't even really remember anything about the plot, other than I think it had a version of the Riddler? Not that the cartoon did much either with BTAS sitting there for comparison, but I certainly enjoyed it more than the latest movie.


Active member
When it comes to the Hasbro Collaboratives, I tend to think of "what would go over best with the crowd of SDCC?". So yeah, 80's/90's nostalgia tends to rule with these things (admittedly that's what I want too!). I'm also hoping for '89 Batmobile. For MOTU I'm expecting Heman & Skeletor, though I think a Man at Arms that turned into a wind raider would be inspired.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Y'know, I get that there is a former football player nicknamed Megatron (who was already mentioned ITT) and how they already did a redecoed Megatron toy inspired by him like 10 years ago.

But also I feel the actual crossover between Transformers fans and NFL fans is basically two separate circles lol.


Another babka?
I must have a foot (ha) in each circle. I wouldn't say I'm a huge football fan- I've never painted my face for example.

But I do follow and enjoy the sport

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I wouldn't have expected a lot of crossover between American Football fans and Taylor Swift, but here we are.

Is there a vehicle associated with Football? At this point they could do the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile and say it was NFL related and I'd just shrug and say "If you say so."

And then buy the crap out a transforming weinermobile.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
There's also that Fox Sports Football robot. Maybe they start with that and work out a suitable altmode?
Kinda like the Goodyear blimp or actual football ideas, myself.

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