Transformers Legacy toyline


Staff member
Council of Elders
I have a fondness for Lio stemming from when BW2 overstock or warehouse clearing stock or whatever randomly showed up here and I got a first taate of BW2 in the early 2000s, right as I was getting back into Transformers full swing. Took a bus to a part of the city I'd never been before, getting lost on the way to find the store that had one piece left (perceived rarity plus "it's an Optimus prime" had gotten scalpers all over the earliest batches). All in between classes. Worth it.

(I'd love a new Galvatron as well. And hey, still think Cyborg Beast retools of Kingdom and ROTB moles would be awesome to get.)

The Legacy one is a great update and looks really good. Love everything exceot the lion face, really. But I'm not ready right now to drop a new chunk of cash on an improved lion face (although I really also like the new, longer forearm blades Takara's has).

I like that Mega Man Legends comparison! Never thought of it that way.


NOT a New Member.
I have the original, but ended up preordering this one, because it just looks that much better
I was in the middle of adding custom paint to my original Legacy version, but I still ordered this version as it's much better...

Also, it looks to me as if the mane can be manually rotated to homage the "lio-typhoon" attack?

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Beast Wars II can’t be the equivalent of Megaman Legends.

Takara actually acknowledges its existence


Staff member
Council of Elders
You mean like this?


Goes that remotely look like G1 arcee?

About as much as my remote work looks like work, which... it'll do!

I mean yeah, it'd be nice to get an even further tweaked SS86 Arcee (or an all-new mold, sure) that has the Headmaster functionality (there IS an open seat there). But this was a pretty neat release.

OR they could have some fun with it and base it on the Chromedome redeco concept from the Generations mook...


Another babka?
Goes that remotely look like G1 arcee?
Yes. It does. About as much as any other update. Between the colours, the head/face sculpt, the car fronts behind her shoulders, the white point deco on her chest, and the futuristic car spoiler...thing... yeah.... reads as Arcee to me.

I suppose they could take ER Arcee or SS '86 Arcee and reverse engineer a Titan Master port into it, but I have a feeling the proportions would be off. Meanwhile the TR version exists if anyone absolutely must have a Headmaster Arcee.


Maystor missspelur
I get that I just want the design team take another crack at G1 Arcee and make it a headmaster hell bump it up to the voyager price point if it means that both modes look great


Another babka?
I really liked ER Arcee's head sculpt. Meanwhile I preferred SS '86 Arcee aside from the head. So I swapped them. I feel like I got there in spirit 🤪


Two arms and one smile
I get that I just want the design team take another crack at G1 Arcee and make it a headmaster hell bump it up to the voyager price point if it means that both modes look great

I would be completely on board for a Voyager-because-of-parts & engineering G1 Headmaster Arcee. And let's just call the Headmaster "Daniel" for realsies.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
They changed the lore for Titans Return to make it so the heads were little robots instead of humans in robots suits, which is probably why Daniel became Leinad.


Another babka?
They changed the lore for Titans Return to make it so the heads were little robots instead of humans in robots suits, which is probably why Daniel became Leinad.
And then IDW just went "actually they're just Japanese style small robots with Transtector bodies."

Seems no one wants to touch the implication of humans and humanoids bending like that.

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