Transformers Legacy toyline


Two arms and one smile
I have the original release too. I bought it with a Target gift card and always considered it to be a nice, low-stakes toy. For this version, however, I was willing to spend actual money.


Continuity Nutcase
I only got the first one because it was so hard to find in my area at the time of its release. I had to get it off Hasbro Pulse instead.

But as soon as Copy Convoy's toy was revealed with the painted details for the lion face, I just knew there was gonna be a redo of Lio Convoy with a better lion face later. I just had no idea how right I was.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I passed on the first one and the black recolor because that lion face never looked good, and Lioconvoy isn't a character i care about enough to warrant a so-so purchase. Thinking about this one.

Agent X

Kreon Bastard
Lioconvoy isn't a character I care enough about to warrant a higher-end purchase.

I got the black one on sale at GameStop, and I can't recall if I even got the color one.


Continuity Nutcase
Pfft, amateurs. Give me an "Alpha Lion"!


Before they opted with Beast Machines Snarl, the original Lio Convoy mold was 3H's first consideration.


Another babka?
Pfft, amateurs. Give me an "Alpha Lion"!


Before they opted with Beast Machines Snarl, the original Lio Convoy mold was 3H's first consideration.
Wasn't it specifically Lio Convoy's body with BM Snarl's head so that they could fudge it either way the mould use permissions came down?

Now THAT would be an interesting figure.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Nah, not for me. What I'd love out of Wreckers is for, by some miracle, the unreleased toys from the catalog to be made. From their original molds.
Looking at that reminds me, I'd still like to see a good Primal Prime with a full face plate, like the comics.

As for LioConvoy, I don't have a super strong attachment to the character -- yet, still need to watch all of BWII -- but I would like to have him, as I remember going to my first comic convention (a Heroes Con in NC), and one of the things I bought was the first volume of Beast Wars II on VHS, the first three episodes, subbed.

Prior to that, I'd never even heard of BWII, and I was so enamored I chose that over getting Headmasters, which I had heard about.

Also, BWII/Neo kinda occupies a similar place in JG1 as Legends does in Mega Man, so that has some appeal to me as well.

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