What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


Now with hi-res avatar!
Maybe Markwayne wouldn't have such a chip on his shoulder if his parents could have decided between two names instead of mashing them together into one stupid kludge-name.


jumbled pile of person
For some reason Mormons have a tendency to give their kids odd made-up names, especially ones that are combinations of two other names. "Renesmee" from the Twilight books is a famous example.


Well-known member
Oh. Hillbillies do too and I think that's what his family is. He is named after two uncles.

For reference, hillbillies commonly stand up to settle an insult with a fistfight. Mormons generally do not.

Edit - I am an Oklahoma and so is Markwayne. He is one of my Senators. I consider a sign of respect from you that your mind first went to "Sounds like a Mormon" rather than "Sounds like an Oklahoman." Most of us are not Hillbillies.


Well-known member
If an actual brawl breaks out at some point, I hope it's televised.
Markwayne did some MMA fights.

I don't know about the current guy, but I think Teamster Presidents have been suspected of murder in the past, right?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It's not so much the murder thing (which is occasionally associated with (but never conclusively proven! They were acquitted!)), but the whole TEAM part of teamster. You're thinking it's 1 V 1, but it suddenly turns into a beat down. And you kinda realized you fucked up when you don't even see the guy with the beer bottle who floored you.

Edit: that's kind of the beautiful part of actually representing people, as opposed to ruling them. You'll always have some friends to watch your back, and not co-conspirators plotting your downfall.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So the ethics committee found santos guilty of... a WHOLE lot of stuff, to the point where they've referred the report to the DOJ, and offered the evidence they found for whatever case the DOJ feels necessary.. Consequently santos made the statement that he will... not run for re-election.

Not resigning, not giving himself up to the authorities, nothing like that. Santos is also, quite literally, MADE OF LIES! How is anyone to trust he won't run again if he's not locked up?


jumbled pile of person
If he's actually a criminal, I would certainly hope that turning himself in voluntarily wasn't the only way to bring him to justice.


unfortunate shark issues
He denounced the ruling as a politicized smear and is only not seeking re-election because of the possible press attention on his family. Basically another Republican denying that they've done anything wrong despite the massive evidence.


Well-known member
It took real courage to come forward like this, Mike. Thank you. We'll definitely look into it. Meanwhile, you should try to make better friends.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
"Other people can't have equal rights because my friends are horrible douchebags" is such a typical Republican take.


Well-known member
I have a deep conviction that the friends he is talking about would rather miss out on that view than claim to be trans-gender.

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