What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
If you listen to right-wingers, they are:

- An oppressed minority
- The silent majority
- Mainstream society
- Rebels against mainstream society
- Successfully boycotting their enemies to oblivion
- Totally against "cancel culture" and boycotts
- Fighting for the poor
- Sick of poor people leeching off society
- Making more money than you
- Against the rich fat cats

Gee, maybe they're just full of shit.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
if you stab a republican, they won't bleed. they'll just ooze shit out of the wound.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
Republicans aren't totally brainless. Deliberate cruelty takes some degree of intelligence, after all.
welp, looks like my earlier post was wrong


jumbled pile of person
Oh hey, I remember those two from the hearings last summer. Good for them! Not to be a downer about it, but if they're smart they'll use the money to pay it forward and foot the legal bills for others who are seeking justice in cases like this, because being a hundred-millionaire is definitely enough to ruin a person, one way or another.
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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Guiliani is screaming about how broke he is (to be true, this is still "rich person broke" meaning he would have to sell property and such and not "I can't even eat this week" broke like the rest of us are facing.), I doubt he has the means to pay out the entire judgement and has yet to pay anything anyway. He'll fight having to pay no matter what, maybe hoping his heart will give out or some antifa assassin will end him before he has to break out the wallet.

And let's not forget: the ENTIRE WORLD has watched him fail, flub and blunder over the last few years: he's unemployable. They will NEVER get the full payout, which sucks for them: but they ruined a fascist so small favours.


jumbled pile of person
He'll fight having to pay no matter what, maybe hoping his heart will give out or some antifa assassin will end him before he has to break out the wallet.
Then his heirs will just have to pay it out of their inheritance, I'm pretty sure.

And if it's more that he'd just rather die than suffer the indignity of having to pay up personally, then he'd better do it, and decrease the surplus population!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yes, but you're missing the key point: he's broke. His family will be saddled with the debt, though they'll probably just disown him to escape it.

Point being: guiliani is a ******* loser deadbeat.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
someone send him that meme of the asteroid hitting a flat earth and flinging all the dinos into space

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So hey... ruby freeman and shay moss are suing guiliani again because he's still spewing the lies. So are they going to get ANOTHER 148 million, or is the judge going to punish ol' rudy with even higher damages?

Either way: I hope they enjoy their (slightly used. Might need to crack the windows to get out the smell.) new york luxury apartment.

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