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  1. Badgertron

    Studio Series discussion

    I'm also hoping the black on his forearms/head is slightly more of a charcoal than the straight black which tends to just eat details. I'm assuming the fists will be purple this time.
  2. Badgertron

    Studio Series discussion

    Looks good overall. My two biggest concerns were the size (CW was way too big for me) and the shade of green, and they got both right more or less. It looks like the torso and chest behind the chestplate is kindof...m shaped, though, which feels less than stable? Those are some large gaps! The...
  3. Badgertron

    Ghostbusters General

    Dancing Slime Toaster next please!
  4. Badgertron

    Studio Series discussion

    So, Constructicons reveal tomorrow, yes? Is the livestream pulse premium exclusive, then they'll post the video to yt afterward?
  5. Badgertron

    Power Rangers General Discussion Thread

    So, is Hasbro just washing it's hands of anything to do with PR for the time being? Was it announced how long this licensing deal is going to last?
  6. Badgertron


    Did they not shut down Rhode Island yet? I swear they announced it during the big purge last holidays...
  7. Badgertron


    I had really hoped they'd let the Transformers team loose on redesigning the Megazord from the ground up (keeping the silhouette and major design elements) but the situation between Takara & Bandai might have been insurmountable.
  8. Badgertron


    It's really sad how Ghostbusters was only really given a couple waves of Plasma & Retro. It could have potentially really taken off if they had at least tried some Real Ghostbusters figures alongside it. Indiana Jones was...well, a limited cast to do things with overall, but probably could have...
  9. Badgertron


    Yeah, I've got a feeling in the pit of my stomach that we're going to be getting even more bad news in the coming weeks, across all of their brands. Possibly even sweeping changes (admittedly we've already been getting those, I didn't see them outsourcing a bunch of brands like Power Rangers...
  10. Badgertron

    On Gimmicks and Transformers: What works?

    I really love light piping, it's unobtrusive and brings the figures to life, but not every figure does it equally as well.
  11. Badgertron

    Studio Series discussion

    How about Dead Ultra Magnus, which is just SS86 Magnus but comes pre disassembled?
  12. Badgertron

    Studio Series discussion

    I would love to see the 86 Junkions decked out in Legacy Junkion parts. Surely someone has photos of that...
  13. Badgertron

    Studio Series discussion

    For SS86, I could use a couple more Junkion designs, as well as a couple more of the Quintessons. Maybe animation painted Insecticons? Would people want that? ...If you want to get REALLY crazy, how about that giant squid that Kup & Hotrod fought?
  14. Badgertron

    Studio Series discussion

    You might be pleased to see this if you haven't already: Toy Galvatron always seemed more regal and dignified as a character design, and with this head it becomes even easier to imagine him as a different character entirely. One could...
  15. Badgertron

    Studio Series discussion

    I'm also a toy deco guy! The Selects Cyclonus really scratched that nostalgia itch with the stickers as well.
  16. Badgertron

    Studio Series discussion

    Yeah, this is actually the FIFTH use of the mold (with stege, without stege, reformatting, toy colours, and now this). Not to mention it sounds like the Straxus remold is getting at least two decoes as well.
  17. Badgertron

    Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)

    I really, really wish they had given it a separate name, as there's no reason a Cybertronian COULDN'T become a Mandalorian, in universe (allowing for the crossover in general) since they're all adopted anyway. Much like Stardrive and the Space Knights in IDW. For colours, would have loved a bit...
  18. Badgertron

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Only a stock photo for Roboto. I NEED to see what it looks like with the normal visor attached before I can make a decision on him. A lot of these figures look great otherwise. I'd still really love to get 1-2 masterverse snake men next year, but they might be holding off after the glut of...
  19. Badgertron

    Transformers FIgure WIshlist

    Really, for me now it's mostly come down to G2 exclusive characters (think of how many cyberjet decos you could make!), Euro G1, The 3 remaining Beast Wars characters and the Beast Machines vehicons. Oh, also SS86 Magnus in toy colours, please.
  20. Badgertron

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    It was a great line for getting a large number of characters that hadn't gotten modern updates yet (some movie characters, some targetmasters, triple changers, etc), but they're all getting redone anyway now. I really do feel like there was room for a bunch of the titan master repaints, just as...

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