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  1. Dvandom

    Pony Pictures Post Perseveres

    More like Gnegative400. ---Dave
  2. Dvandom

    The 3rd Party Toy Picture thread

    (Takei) OH MY (/Takei)
  3. Dvandom

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Lower Decks needs Ensign Stabby. ---Dave
  4. Dvandom

    Customs Tacticon Arcee vehicle mode with more paint

    Thinning craft paint doesn't help much, it's already pretty watery. And I must've applied twenty coats, the last several thinned. ---Dave, utterly sick of being told to thin his paints...these aren't miniatures paints. That trick doesn't work with craft paints.
  5. Dvandom

    Loki - streaming on Disney+

    The time slips also gave them a "done in one" threat they could focus the first episode on. Season-long arcs can get old unless there's a significant accomplishment every so often, and giving Loki a problem that could be fixed also solved the story beat issue. Sure, the "close the blast doors"...
  6. Dvandom

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    I got the impression that Rutherford and Tendi may be demisexual (Tendi by Orion standards, given her S1 make-out scene). And at the very least, neither is really comfortable with sexual attraction: Rutherford because his memory wipe took out a lot of his formative horny teenager stuff, and...
  7. Dvandom

    ▲ndrusi's Shapeways stuff

    I forgot about Flamewar, mostly because as an unmodified crappy Arcee mold I had no desire to get one (and the local Ross didn't get any). ---Dave
  8. Dvandom

    ▲ndrusi's Shapeways stuff

    Shapeways high detail clear plastic, once you clean off some of the rough bits, takes dye quite well, so it'd be possible to buy three and dye them for Arcee, Road Rocket, and Femme!Jazz. ---Dave
  9. Dvandom

    Pilotable Transforming Japanese Robot Could Be Yours for 400 Million Yen

    MW-01, but crossed with the Guntank concept. ---Dave
  10. Dvandom

    Customs Tacticon Arcee vehicle mode with more paint

    I suspect that if we get a bigger Arcee, she'll also need a lot of paint.... ---Dave
  11. Dvandom

    Customs Gamer Edition Megatron touchup and minor mod

    GE Megatron's mace has two big problems. One, the paint stops halfway down each flange, which is weird. Two, the peg and socket for connecting the two pieces make it deliberately incompatible with the forearm-swap line gimmick. So I fixed both issues and also replaced all the figure's purple...
  12. Dvandom

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Head of EMOTIONAL Security. ---Dave
  13. Dvandom

    Ahsoka - streaming on Disney+

    Mandalorian helmets must have some sort of inner lining that isn't bare metal, or they'd keep spinning around on the wearers' heads. And that lining could include a VR HUD sort of deal that gets attached after the archaic forging step is done. ---Dave
  14. Dvandom

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    The cliche of the ToS hero (if not always borne out by actual canon) is the loose cannon maverick who not only doesn't play by the Book, they toss the Book out the airlock and Get Stuff Done. The "cowboy" archetype that Kirk gets slapped on him at times. Picard was a deliberate contrast with...
  15. Dvandom

    Customs Tacticon Arcee vehicle mode with more paint

    The robot mode is not worth the effort, but I liked the sorta choro-Q vehicle mode she has going here, it just needed more paint. ---Dave
  16. Dvandom

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Yeah, the stabbing was one of the best running gags ever. I agree with the "destined for greatness" thing, but with a twist. Most of them are Refusing The Call and staying that way. They just wanna stay where they are being nerds about Starfleet stuff. They could be great, but they'd rather...
  17. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    There's a FFXIV TTRPG coming out soon, they just announced it and opened pre-orders. It does not appear to be D&D-based, since it comes with 10d6 and 6d20. ---Dave
  18. Dvandom

    Customs Minerva Wollstonecraft Shelley

    And here's the vehicle mode, and a comparison to a mostly-stock Minerva. ---Dave
  19. Dvandom

    My Adventures With Superman

    This is the second time a DC animation project has used Esperanto for Kryptonian (a Supergirl direct to disc movie was the first). I studied Esperanto by mail in high school in the late 1980s, I never learned enough to be fluent but I do remember enough to catch when it's being spoken. ---Dave
  20. Dvandom

    Transformers: EarthSpark

    They hit Target a few weeks ago, annoyingly at $7. ---Dave

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