Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Eorzean Idiot
Well, Andromeda was a definite letdown for most people. But I wouldn't let that ruin the original trilogy for me.

And as for 3, ending not withstanding, it's actually my favorite one.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
3 is two-thirds a great game and one-third an okay game. The Tuchanka and Rannoch arcs are stellar, but that last third really shows what happens when your head writers take off mid project.


Somehow still sane
Remember when Morbius got out-morbed by regular sharks?



'nother thing from a rando blog that I added to my quote file.

"I don’t know what those ‘90s sci Fi TV writers were putting in their shows but I wish they’d start doing it again

# They de-escalated the stakes every once in a while so you can see what the characters are like when they're not under duress

# They made statements about the world through allegory

# They invested in depicting developing friendships and relationships between characters

# They assumed the audience was paying attention to the screen and wanted to be there

# ...and that their audience has enough intelligence to follow narrative clues and maybe even predict things"

And I'll add things like:
- not over-explaining every little damn thing
- not making characters talk like they're trying to get a good grade in therapy
- not taking the audience's ability to predict events and ending as a bad thing

...for someone who doesn't actually watch a lot of TV and movies, I sure think about it a lot. I think my conclusion is I don't like productions that treat the audience like scatterbrained idiots.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I care nothing about Dragon Ball, I just like seeing Latin American fans getting mad at Americans for thinking that fuckin DBZA is the 'real' way to watch the series.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Dragon Ball didn't get fully dubbed into English until years after DBZ became popular. Us old farts who haven't gone back to rewatch it in the ensuing years didn't have much choice.


The peanut butter & jelly M&Ms are pretty good, fwiw. At least from the perspective of someone who already likes the regular peanut butter ones.

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