Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Eorzean Idiot
I want so much to try those. I have got to find a place that sells them.


Somehow still sane
'nother thing from a rando blog that I added to my quote file.

"I don’t know what those ‘90s sci Fi TV writers were putting in their shows but I wish they’d start doing it again

# They de-escalated the stakes every once in a while so you can see what the characters are like when they're not under duress

# They made statements about the world through allegory

# They invested in depicting developing friendships and relationships between characters

# They assumed the audience was paying attention to the screen and wanted to be there

# ...and that their audience has enough intelligence to follow narrative clues and maybe even predict things"

And I'll add things like:
- not over-explaining every little damn thing
- not making characters talk like they're trying to get a good grade in therapy
- not taking the audience's ability to predict events and ending as a bad thing

...for someone who doesn't actually watch a lot of TV and movies, I sure think about it a lot. I think my conclusion is I don't like productions that treat the audience like scatterbrained idiots.
I've been thinking about this and I think the difference is life experience. Writers in days past worked hard jobs, fought in wars and were in general older and often didn't necessarily have ambitions of becoming writers. The current crop of writers wanted it to be professional writers from the get go, are generally younger with very homogenous backgrounds and were raised on Whedon. Leads to the same insufferable style and very little chance for something new.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Honestly I think the biggest issues are the fact that all modern sci-fi TV series are streaming series where you only have like 10 episodes per season and, for whatever, the executives at these streaming companies basically tell them what they can and can't do because of the audience who is watching.

Or rather...the audience that isn't watching, for some reason (execs like seeing viewing numbers go up), the execs really want to make sure these shows aren't something you have to actually pay attention to to understand what's going on because a lot of people just refuse to actually sit down and watch a show and might just put it on and then be on their phone or eating dinner or whatever and only half paying attention to it.

They don't just want the hardcore fans who will sit down and pay attention, they want everyone who might just turn it on in the background too and they want to make sure that you can still understand what's going on even if you're not fully paying attention.

The low episode counts per season is also bad, especially if you're a fan of Star Trek like I am, because part of the damn fun of Star Trek is one week you get an episode that's considered an all-time classic and an absolute must-watch episode of the series and the next week is total fuckin shite, like one of the worst damned things to air on television during the decade. (Also y'know there's just no space for the lighter/filler episodes when you only have 10 episodes and not 26)


The low episode counts per season is also bad, especially if you're a fan of Star Trek like I am, because part of the damn fun of Star Trek is one week you get an episode that's considered an all-time classic and an absolute must-watch episode of the series and the next week is total fuckin shite, like one of the worst damned things to air on television during the decade. (Also y'know there's just no space for the lighter/filler episodes when you only have 10 episodes and not 26)
I too am a Star Trek fan. Strange New Worlds is the most consistent fun I've had with a modern series, and I think the show's biggest weakness is the 10-episode seasons. There's almost no room for characters to develop, and it's harder to get into their heads - especially in a prequel/AU series like SNW where if a character doesn't have "appears in timeline-later canon" shielding, well...
Man, Hemmer got done dirty.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I basically ignore everything Trek past DS9 tbh.

Not just because that's what regularly airs in reruns (well I guess Voyager and Enterprise air in reruns too but Voyager is just...okay and Enterprise is bad)

Okay mostly because of that.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I give some of the blame to viewers who whined about filler episodes. I guess you don't know what you have until it's gone.


Wondering bot
DS9 is my favourte Trek as it had consquences and a strong story that built up across the seven seasons as they couldn't just warp away from the planet that has to pick up the pieces as in one Next Gen ep where part of a planet wanted to join the Federation, besides, DS9 had some intersting characters, one scene in that show is rather intersting as it features two characters who are from non Federation races, talking about the Federation, over root beer of all things:



Somehow still sane
Not many people kniw this about me but I’m a massive Swifty. I can’t help it. I was there at the beginning of their career and followed every release. The sheer amount of entertainment I get out of then means I will follow them to the enda of the earth. Even if the critics say that their work has gotten repetitive and stale, and that each release is more about spectacle than quality, I will always be there to see the next big thing. I don’t care if the haters call them a fraud or faker. I know in my heart they’re the real deal.
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Eorzean Idiot
I don't have anything against her. I just never listened to her stuff. Don't even know any of her songs. All I know is that she takes up 90% of Targets music section even though I know there has to be other artists releasing stuff.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
It's the most generic white bread pop music imaginable.

I have no ******* idea how she's so popular other than 'people really like generic white bread pop music because most people are basic bitches'.


Somehow still sane
I don’t think she’s terrible. I just don’t get how she inspires such insanity in her followers. I understand why women would go nuts over dolled up asian pretty boys on a primal monkey brain level but not bland pop music.

I liked her better when she had a more country flavor to her music. And not every song was about a failed relationship.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I know someone who denies that Taylor Swift ever did country music, despite the fact that like...that's a literal fact about her career????


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Today's Jehovah Witness really really wanted to stop talking to me. I'm lonely, dude.

I don't know what he planned on talking to me about. He got filibustered hard.


Eorzean Idiot
Man, I know internet message boards can sometimes be a poor substitute, but we're always here.


Nonstop Baaka
I had a major senior moment today.
I misplaced my cellphone, which I had just a few mins ago. Tried calling from the corded landline, thought I heard it but couldn't be sure. The line kept going to vm before I could determine anything. Got frustrated w/looking and watched some anime in b/t searches. Tried logging into my cell provider's site on my laptop to see if I could ring it that way, but I couldn't login w/out a verification code sent to my cell.

So I finally got my old cell phone, downloaded a wi-fi calling app (it doesn't have a SIM card anymore), and tried again.
Wait... is it coming from there? Don't tell me-

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