Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm


Somehow still sane
I like their philosophy in a nutshell and maybe on non-masterpiece figures it could work. Unfortunately, combined with the toon accuracy, it ends up with some gigantic, exeptionally janky-looking toys I wouldn’t pay sales prices for. Looks better than polio Bruticus and Skipped-Leg-Dayfensor at least.

Seeing their company name also annoys me because they made reasonable IDW/CHUG toys then tanked themselves by spending money on the two gigantic DJD nobodies then finished themselves off by pissing away what was left with R&D on a $100 Rung that didn’t sell very well. R&D on hugging RUNG.
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Somehow still sane
Better one compromised mode rather than all three getting saddled with baggage like they’re doing. They’re trying to do too many things at once.


Staff member
Council of Elders
To me it's not so much baggage as it is the point of the thing. Anyone can glue some toys to some Armada Unicron legs and call it a combiner. Even if the result looks good, I'm just not impressed anymore.


Somehow still sane
The all-in-one philosphy is interesting but I find it ultimately pointless since the combiner play pattern by definition is already partsforming. Having an integrated chesplate or hands isn’t a big sell when you still have entire limbs and a torso to reposition anyway. I mean it’s clever but if the end product is ugly, it’s just not worth it.

That said, the giant combiner shells to stick robots onto is even lamer.


Somehow still sane
Youtube recommended this video for me.

It's an interesting piece, with a robot whose altmode is... another robot mode.

It comes with a shield, a gun and two swords. For gimmickry, it has lights and sounds and you can fill it with water to have it blow mist out of the exhaust ports to simulate smoke. Pretty cool.

It's also TWO FEET TALL.

Decent fanmode base though, so it's an option for headcanon Titans. Toxitron Maximus? Constructicon City? IDK.


Somehow still sane
I'll cut them some slack since the SRP is the same as a Leader class figure. Thing legit costs more to ship than buy. It's like a titan class weaponizer or whatever they're calling them nowadays.

Plus it leads to some crazy possible altmodes


Staff member
Council of Elders
Did their Energon Prime end up having any insane design choices like that? I never did see any reviews.


Somehow still sane
It appears to be pretty decent, aside from the submarine having a hand instead of the claw and selling the claw submarine separately with the otherwise unchanged drones. Personally find that he has a pretty bad headsculpt.


Somehow still sane
how do you make Overload even uglier than the original?

Armada Overload wasn't exactly a looker but everything about him exuded no-thrills walking high-caliber weapon. This guy has a large torso and small limbs, evoking someone like Bulkhead more.
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