Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Another babka?
When that one friend ignores the dress code.




Man. Finding spots for Guardian symbols on these guys was tough. The triangles can't cover an Autobot or Decepticon symbol unless there's a huge size difference, and they don't have much front-facing flat real estate besides that. (You can see On Smallfoot I just gave up.)

I really wish this could have happened with the T30-era molds. I don't like any of these as much as those, with Gears/Smallfoot unfortunately being a negative standout.


Another babka?
So I dig G1 Skids. His obscurity relative to most of the rest of the '84 cast gives him hipster cred, his G1 toy was just imbued with a lot of Diaclone energy, and I just dig the Honda City as a car. Legacy Skids did a very good job capturing the feel of him, even if they had to go with a legally distinct version of the alt mode.
Thankfully the deco is very toy accurate over cartoon accurate so some reprolabels spruced him right up. Except...he has black hands. And Skids' G1 toy had red hands.


Well I went through the process of applying the stickers so I wouldn't stop there. One junker Crosscut fist swap later and...


...there's my boy.


Another babka?
I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see that expression not be about porn.
See I always encountered it in a non-porn context. Mostly in sports talk. I only recently found out it was co-opted by pervs.
Bloody pervs.

No show us how Crosscut looks with the swapped Skids hands.
Sadly, I can't. Crosscut himself had red hands, so my actual Crosscut in my collection kept his. I only swapped fists out for Skids when I found a junker Crosscut (missing his head and scuffed to heck) for cheap. So both of Skids and Crosscut proper have red hands in my collection.

This leaves Burnout as the odd one out but I'm ok with her keeping black hands. Her Diaclone toy had red hands but her original Botcon toy had black hands, so I'm ok with things as is unless I stumble on another junker Crosscut.

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