Transformers Legacy toyline


Continuity Nutcase
My Walmarts have a lot of stuff on rollback and clearance right now, too, but it's all stuff that nobody wants at this point. Mostly just mainline ROTB stuff that's been sitting unsold ever since before the movie came out.


Another babka?
My only real issue with Blitzwing was the faux cockpit to replicate an animation error. I keep him mostly displayed in robot mode though so it's not a huge deal.

The Hulk Hands were dumb but easy to ignore.


Somehow still sane
He has the type of shoulders I hate but he’s alright if a bit overpriced. It’s about all you’d expect of a slavish G1 Blitzwing. Tolerances aren’t the best though.


Another babka?
He has the type of shoulders I hate but he’s alright if a bit overpriced. It’s about all you’d expect of a slavish G1 Blitzwing. Tolerances aren’t the best though.
I don't really feel strongly about Blitzwing one way or another other than thinking that Triple Takeover is fun.
He's accurate, he's chonky, his limbs are tight. So that's good enough for me.

Eh, in his favor: people made that same joke about the original version on G1 Overcharge, considering he was rather expensive being an japanese exclusive. So at least its well used joke/criticism.
I just like the colours


NOT a New Member.
He has the type of shoulders I hate but he’s alright if a bit overpriced. It’s about all you’d expect of a slavish G1 Blitzwing. Tolerances aren’t the best though.
I wouldn't exactly call it "slavish", but the shortcomings of this mold have already been discussed infinitum. I'm more interested in it as Overcharge though. I hope it gets a Japanese release.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Blitzwing does do two out of the three modes well; it's the jet mode that's the sad one. I skipped this one in favor of the Legends one (which does the modes a bit better, if not perfectly, AND comes with Big Fight).

I'm going to pick up Overcharge because I'm all about that generation of exclusive redecos (also got DK2 Guard, Deep Cover, etc), and hey, first time in the mainstream line.


Somehow still sane
I’d argue cockpit sticking out of the tank is a demerit but that’s just me. I mean yeah, it’s supposed to be there but it sticks out way too much.


The mold has its flaws, but if you have any nostalgia for G1 Blitzwing's toy, there are a lot of great callbacks to it that warm me to it. Yes, even the goofy cockpit sticking out of the tank. And the colours are perfect.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Funny enough, that doesn't bother me at all. Like, it looks incongruous and weird, but not quite a dealbreaker.

The real issue to me was always the poorly wadded-up tank bits under the too-small-to-hide-them jet wings. Even TR/LG Blitzwing's "my landing gear is a tank turret stapled under the jet" is less bad than that.


NOT a New Member.
Funny enough, that doesn't bother me at all. Like, it looks incongruous and weird, but not quite a dealbreaker.

The real issue to me was always the poorly wadded-up tank bits under the too-small-to-hide-them jet wings. Even TR/LG Blitzwing's "my landing gear is a tank turret stapled under the jet" is less bad than that.
Even the original G1 version's vehicle modes are better than the Legacy offering, for me.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
A pb&j that uses grape jelly, even. The best kind of jelly.

Clearly you've never tried strawberry!

I skipped TR Blitzwing since I wasn't sure it was leaps and bounds better than the Generations version I already had, but I did go ahead and get the new Leader Class one. His robot mode was what sold me, as it's pretty spot on. The Tank mode is pretty good, and the jet mode is.....ok. I think we're still waiting for a Blitzwing toy that does all three molds well.
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