Transformers Legacy toyline

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
My town's Walmart is clearancing out a lot of stuff, I literally just picked up an Armada Megatron for $20. Might be worth checking any nearby Walmarts (and check the price with the app in store mode, ours had them tagged at $30), especially if they have an inventory or remodel coming up. They seem to be more willing to slash prices then.

Also got Blitzwing for $20, finally get to see what people are complaining about...
thanks! I will check mine out.


Another babka?
Though, the question being how G1-ified that Animated Omega Supreme would be. If it's just a redeco of Kingdom Ark with a new robot head, no thank you. That's not Animated Omega. At all.
They mentioned that, after the reaction Animated Prowl got, they went back to redesigned Animated Bumblebee and Prime's heads to make sure they were properly "Animated" accurate.
I don't expect Animated Omega Supreme to be that G1-ified. I don't think he'll be a repaint of the Arc either. MAYBE use some internal skeletal tooling but that's it.


Somehow still sane
I don’t think it’ll be feasible to retool Omega Supreme from the Kingdom Ark. even looking at the ship modes, the only thing they have in common is the general shape. And the robot modes aren’t close either.


Another babka?
I don’t think it’ll be feasible to retool Omega Supreme from the Kingdom Ark. even looking at the ship modes, the only thing they have in common is the general shape. And the robot modes aren’t close either.
Good point.
This is a team that added a faux cockpit to Blitzwing specifically to mimic an animation error in the name of being animation accurate. I can't see them just popping a new head on the Ark for Animated Omega Supreme and calling it good enough.
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Wondering bot
With animated Omega, I wonder if they would just take the basic skeleton and use that, but then again, we also have another option, Legacy Nemesis, take the basic skeletion of the ship and use that to craft a animated Omega


Kaiser Dragon
Things I would Take as a Commander:
Powermaster Prime
Star Convoy
Thunderwing with shell
Any Pretender above the basic 88 size (This will not happen but I'd be all-in)
Fortress Maximus (Marvel Scale)
Scorponok (Marvel Scale)

Things I'd take as a Titan:
G1-ier Metroplex
Purple Griffin
Rescue Bots High Tide

Things as a Haslab
*"Really good" Powermaster Optimus Prime with all the gimmicks from the original concept Including Headmaster. And maybe Multiple head types (Mostly I want a Marvel Comic style Head).
*"Really Good" versions of any of the toys from the previous categories.

-ZacWilliam, I've probably forgotten a really cool option or two but I'd take any of these to start.
I'd add:

Dai Atlas
Optimal Optimus
BW TM2 Megatron - very unlikely given the Legacy Leader, but I'd still like it
BWII Galvatron
RiD Gigatron
Animated Lugnut

Monstructor, especially if it included the shells

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Maybe I'm way off-base here but I just can't imagine a Haslab of a Transformers character who isn't a main character in some way would be successful.


Somehow still sane
To be fair, it's probably the only way Monstructor is getting made with pretender shells. That said, yeah, pretty unlikely.


Well-known member
Maybe I'm way off-base here but I just can't imagine a Haslab of a Transformers character who isn't a main character in some way would be successful.
Yeah - as much as I dug Animated Omega Supreme it seems like a real stretch to burn a Haslab spot on him. It would be a tough buy for me and I still even have my Animated figures on display!


Kaiser Dragon
I never said likely, just that I'd like to see it. I'd point out I was responding to a list that included a Titan Spanner. Likelihood was never part of it...

At the end of the day, I just want a good Monstructor. If SS86 Devastator is a success and Hasbro wants to use him as a template, that would be great! But if, since he is a relatively obscure character for what he would cost, they'd prefer the HasLab route to mitigate risk, I'd be fine with that.


Continuity Nutcase
With all the Pretender updates we've seen from this Hasbro team so far, proper shells that actually house a separate robot figure inside them seem to be the one gimmick that this current Hasbro team seems very reluctant to do. The closest we've ever come in recent years were the Prime Masters from POTP, and people weren't too thrilled about those. Judging from the attitudes of the likes of Mark, Evan, and BMac in the livestreams whenever they reveal a new Pretender-based figure that either integrates the shell's look into the figure's robot mode or just outright avoids the shell altogether, it seems like they themselves aren't fans of the original Pretender shell gimmick at all and prefer to make the shell-less versions that we've been getting as of late, thinking that we fans mostly all share that opinion with them.


Somehow still sane
You're ascribing too much intent when the simpler explanation is that making pretenders with shells means basically making two figures that they'd be pressured by retailers to sell for the price of one. It'd be a budgeting nightmare when they have many other easier to design, more marketable characters.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I still prefer a tiny Monstructor.

For me the appeal of Monstructor is that he shouldn't exist and yet he does. The brand was being completely overtaken by Micromasters. And I do love Micromaster bases and transports and such, but at that scale the bots were extremely limited in what they could be anymore. Unfold the legs. Transformation done. Wow.

Yet at that time, at that extremely limited scale, Hasbro cranked out one last combiner that's somehow entirely fine (until the GPS hits). Somehow his proportions are on the better end of G1 combiners, and they actually made sure all the combiner kibble has somewhere to go when not in use. He should be adequate at best yet he's outright kinda cool. He's the embodiment of a declining brand saying "I've still got it. Hear me roar."

In a tiny helium voice.


Well-known member
You're ascribing too much intent when the simpler explanation is that making pretenders with shells means basically making two figures that they'd be pressured by retailers to sell for the price of one. It'd be a budgeting nightmare when they have many other easier to design, more marketable characters.

This is pretty much the unfortunate truth about Pretenders. I hate it, but at the same time Legacy Bomb-Burst and Iguanas are really well done. Skullgrin less so. I'll accept them trying to blend elements together, and would really really like them to at least give me a core of deluxe Submarudaer to have some modern version of the Masterforce trio. The Autobots are mostly just armored humans so I get that won't work well with them, but I still again was to get Landmine, Cloudburst, and Waverider to go with Metalhawk. ...and Slapdash, Joyride, and Getaway... And Siren and Hosehead... (And I know some will agrue Minvera, but at least she has /something/) Come on, We have nearly all the Masterforce Decepticons in some form, but hardly any of the Autobots.


Staff member
Council of Elders
All that rhetoric to the effect of "they're not fans of it and the way they talk about it, it's like they think others aren't either" ignores that it's likely nothing to do with being enamored or not with the original concept: "Pretenders with opening shells" is a pricey mess to actually execute (financially) and sell.

It's like bundling everyone with a trailer. So much of the budget is immediately used up making plastic shells big enough to house the inner robot; the inner robot will need to be simplified to hell and back both as a result of having a pittance of a budget left over and as a result of needing to fit inside the shell. On top of all of that, what do you do with these shell molds? They're not going to have the same tooling versatility as any other tooling (Metalhawk and Bludgeon make use of existing tooling, and just look at how many ways they've reused the Skullgrin base). There's a reason the one time it's been done in the last 20 years has been with tiny shells with all of 2 POA and similarly tiny basically one-step inner robots. So, however fondly I myself remember the originals (I wish we'd have gotten a Finback, damn it), if I were on the design team I'd find another way to bring them into the line too.

I'm fine with the recent attempts at blending the shell and the inner robot look, although perhaps we could lean a bit further on the shell look since the inner robots tend to be blocky and generic. (Also, if the baseline had been Deluxes, Bomb-Burst could have been even better, and Ignaus could have had more ways to not look like he's doing an exercise roller workout with a helmet on).

I do wish they came with alternate inner-robot heads, though; saw a digibash of Skullgrin that looked great.
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Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
This was discussed elsewhere (maybe earlier in this thread?), but the decision to move Skullgrin to Deluxe was not a great one. Distribution woes aside, Iguanus was a decent figure, and Bomb Burst is likewise full of personality. But then Skullgrin comes out in Deluxe and breaks the cohesiveness of the set, and Submarauder doesn't even seem to be on the radar, let alone Bugly or Finback, and that's just the Decepticons.

I'm fine with the Pretenders blending the shell with the robot mode, and I was perfectly fine with them at Core class, but I wasn't invested enough in the characters to buy Skullgrin at Deluxe. My exposure to the characters is almost entirely from Masterforce, so they make sense to me at a smaller scale. I do wish we got better representation of the rest of the Masterforce cast, but I'm also not willing to buy the teams out of scale with each other.

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