Reading these in Leonard Nimoy and Frank Welker's voices, respectively.Purple Galvatron: "Are you the voice in my head?"
Other Purple Galvatron: "No, I'm the voice OUTSIDE your head, if I was inside, I'd be in there, but I'm out here..."
Purple Galvatron: "Ah, yes, sorry, I mix those up."
Other Purple Galvatron: "Easy mistake to make, happens to me all the time. Let's take it out on Cyclonus."
Purple Galvatron: "Seems reasonable."
-violence follows
BWAAAAAAAAReading these in Leonard Nimoy and Frank Welker's voices, respectively.
This is what I would've liked from a Studio Series Astrotrain. They could do him like a reverse Tidal Wave, have a large voyager/small leader sized bot that combines with some accessories to make a sizeable shuttle. But the leader class redeco/slight retool was always the more likely scenario.If there was ever a reason for a New Titan Class Astrotrain, it feels like SS would be it. Make him a playset like Star Optimus, able to sit core class figures.
This is what I would've liked from a Studio Series Astrotrain. They could do him like a reverse Tidal Wave, have a large voyager/small leader sized bot that combines with some accessories to make a sizeable shuttle. But the leader class redeco/slight retool was always the more likely scenario.
No no, based more on this:
Going by Astrotrain’s model sheet. A tweaked purple and likely more/all purple wings seem like the changes they’d go with.