Studio Series discussion


too old for this
We'll see what they do with Astrotrain. If it's just the old mold with a different deco, I believe I'll pass. Same with Soundwave. They're going to have to do new molds to pique my interest.
I continue to have no interest in Bay movie things.


Continuity Nutcase
In a past Hasbro video, Evan said that a SS86 Astrotrain would, more likely than not, just be a redeco of the Siege mold.

Of course, that mold was also recently given a show accurate redeco by TakaraTomy in the Dramatic Capture Series, so we'll have to see what kind of deco differences there are between that one and this one, as they could very well end up being quite similar to each other.


Well-known member
If there was ever a reason for a New Titan Class Astrotrain, it feels like SS would be it. Make him a playset like Star Optimus, able to sit core class figures.


Active member
I consider the Seige figure to be a fun figure, but somewhat flawed from the perspective of an Astrotrain fan. The mold is too short, the alt modes are a little compromised in a way that a new mold could probably do way better, & the deco is just DRAB. I expect his purple to be a bit brighter, anyway.


Well-known member
Going by Astrotrain’s model sheet. A tweaked purple and likely more/all purple wings seem like the changes they’d go with.

Soundwave is supposedly a new mold so I’m unsure who (if any) he’ll be packed with. Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Ratbat would make the most sense from a film perspective but Laserbeak had the more prominent role. I can’t see Hasbro selling a new mold Leader with 4! cassettes for the same price they just sold a repackage with 3 either.


Continuity Nutcase
For comparison, here is Dramatic Capture Series Astrotrain:


His deco is based more specifically on Astrotrain's pre-final color scheme from "Triple Takeover":



Active member
Hopefully if it's a new mold, it can capture the slightly more dynamic proportions of the animation (the Titans Return mold was a bit better for this, even if much of the rest of it was iffy). The Seige mold looks a lot better in those colours, but the back of the shuttle mode looks just awful and unfinished.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't see Dramatic Capture Astrotrain as precluding a Hasbro release. That worked fine with Soundwave.

Come to think of it -- and this may just be because the Galvatron colors have made it top of mind -- that purple on him seems a bit warm, which is odd for Takara who usually nails shades as if they eyedropper tool-ed it right out of a JPEG.

I do agree with the posts so far about the LIKELY deco changes. I can see them picking a lighter or at least a distinct shade of gray, no stegeing (use that paint to add detailing in either mode maybe), maybe a lighter purple in general (glancing at screencaps and pics of the earlier Hasbro releases) and all purple on the wings rather than just a border.

I'm not sure I'd get it either way, but maybe.

I am a little thrown by the Soundwave listing, but it kinda makes sense in terms of wanting to get a lot of use out of the mold now that it's available. Not sure what they'd change there (opaque chest door?) but if it's new cassettes I don't know what I'll do. I don't think it really urgently needs a new mold though. Not as much as some others do (Blitzwing, done without the Legacy line gimmick).
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Continuity Nutcase
Soundwave might very well be a new mold. In another old Hasbro video, Evan talked about wanting to make a new Soundwave that was the same height as Blaster, whose toy is just a smidge taller than the Siege/Netflix Soundwave mold.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Purple Galvatron: "Are you the voice in my head?"
Other Purple Galvatron: "No, I'm the voice OUTSIDE your head, if I was inside, I'd be in there, but I'm out here..."
Purple Galvatron: "Ah, yes, sorry, I mix those up."
Other Purple Galvatron: "Easy mistake to make, happens to me all the time. Let's take it out on Cyclonus."
Purple Galvatron: "Seems reasonable."
-violence follows
Reading these in Leonard Nimoy and Frank Welker's voices, respectively.


Another babka?
I've got Siege Astrotrain and dig him, but a new version with a cleaner deco could be appealing. Will have to see though.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Man, when I bought the latest Leader Soundwave pack, I wondered if there wasn't a SS coming just around the corner. Really, though, other than a little too much stege and some vestigial parts from the original "spaceship" mode, there's not much more I would want from a new mold. Even most of his cassettes are about as good as can be expected at that scale (not you, Ravage).


New member
If there was ever a reason for a New Titan Class Astrotrain, it feels like SS would be it. Make him a playset like Star Optimus, able to sit core class figures.
This is what I would've liked from a Studio Series Astrotrain. They could do him like a reverse Tidal Wave, have a large voyager/small leader sized bot that combines with some accessories to make a sizeable shuttle. But the leader class redeco/slight retool was always the more likely scenario.


Two arms and one smile
This is what I would've liked from a Studio Series Astrotrain. They could do him like a reverse Tidal Wave, have a large voyager/small leader sized bot that combines with some accessories to make a sizeable shuttle. But the leader class redeco/slight retool was always the more likely scenario.

And the shuttle mode can accommodate a fully combined SS 86 Devastator inside. You know, for movie accuracy and all ;)


Staff member
Council of Elders

Very nice. This was basically the violet shade I pictured (although huh, seeing that together with the model sheet shows I was a bit off then too). But teeny bit darker gray, and full colored wings rather than bordered. Still, oof, there's no de-greebling this guy. I really wish that particular design commitment hadn't lasted past wave 1.

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