Transformers: Cyberworld, Mecha Anime Bulls for Days


Well-known member
I think Grimlock and MegaHound are meant to be nods to the line about alliances shifting. It'll start as vehicles versus beasts, but Armored Megatron and Grimlock will change sides, Skybyte will try to infiltrate the Autobots as a car, etc.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't expect much. Those TF ONE shorts are probably the model for what this show is going to be.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
And yet game companies keep making their products longer and longer...

Well, SOME video games. And some long-running series. But it may be more complex than that; I know people who are all in on like Elden Ring but also spend inordinate amounts of time in their day on Reels.

Without getting too off-topic, it is mostly older gamers who are playing games like this. Most kids are just playing stuff like Fortnite and Roblox these days, they just play one game that basically lasts infinitely rather than a single game that might last them 40-50 hours.


Kaiser Dragon
I'll probably end up getting Mega-Bull and Galvatron just for the sake of having a VERY different Megalvatron piring. Otherwise, not seeing a whole lot for me here yet. I'll definitely be watching the line as it continues, though.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Ol’ Ben Yee was at Toy Fair and actually snapped some pics from the back wall, giving us solid looks at Elite 1 (robot mode), Off Road Bumblebee (alt mode, no robot mode on display it seems), as well as both robot and alt mode for Armor Up Chop Shop (and all his Beast Wars-iness) and Armor Up Optimus Prime (whose face will haunt your dreams).
This is the TFW forum embed, because they are originating on Twitter and it’s a pain to mess with X: Cyberworld First Look


Well-known member
Oh yeah, if that Chopshop had some Blue rather then the Dark Green, he'd almost be a dead ringer for BW Insecticon. Might have to get him for that reason alone. Him and Armordillo were my first two BW toys.

Also, I really like that Offroad Prime, he's taking more liberties with the Optimus desgin then we've seen in at least 20 years.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I may consider that Chop Shop. It's one of the better balances of design concerns and budget I've seen of these. I wonder if those horn mandible whatevers fold down or come off as a weapon or he's just got scary hugs to go with that demon face.

What's the size on these? Legion? Scout?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I may consider that Chop Shop. It's one of the better balances of design concerns and budget I've seen of these. I wonder if those horn mandible whatevers fold down or come off as a weapon or he's just got scary hugs to go with that demon face.

What's the size on these? Legion? Scout?
Scout-ish? Somewhere around 4” according to press material for the primary Cyber Changer figures. Grimlock runs about 9 inches, while Scorponok towers even taller.

Given the standardized nature of the figures, I’d suspect the mandibles don’t do anything. But he WILL come with that oversized pincer weapon thing!

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Digging through the information across multiple sites, this is a rough “yearly plan” for the Cyberworld line. I do NOT expect any additional, mass retail, items to be revealed or released before the spring season. This feels very much in the same “mold” as how Hasbro is handling their Epic World of Action lines in Star Wars and Marvel.
Exclusives are still up in the air. Amazon and/or Target could still get branded retail items for the holiday season, like multipacks with remixed accessories. The alt mode descriptions are MINE and do not appear in any Hasbro marketing material.

Cyber Changers, $9.99 USD:
Wave 1-
Optimus Prime (Classic style, originally in retail systems as “Off road”, that figure seems to have been kicked into the Armored Cyber Changers Assortment)
Megatron (Bull)
Snarl (Junkion Stego)
Skybyte (Sharkticar)

Future Wave(s)-
Elita 1 (sea cruiser)
Bumblebee (Off road/Rally racer)
Starscream (Cyberjet)
*Wheeljack (Appeared in retail listings)

Armored Cyber Changers, $14.99 USD:
Wave 1-
Galvatron (Turbojet Dragon)
Bumblebee (Road Racer)

Future Wave(s)-
Optimus Prime (Likely the previously listed “Off Road” version, bumped into this assortment)
Chop Shop (Insecticon)

Chomp and Stomp Grimlock, $29.99 USD:
9 inch Autobot Warrior triple converts from robot to Dinobot to mech armor compatible with all Cyber Changers

Scorponok Strike Battle Set, 59.99:
Decepticon Titan converts from mighty robot to savage scorpion battlestation with lights and sounds

Retailer Exclusive-Walmart:
Cyber Changers Mirage (cyberjet)- $9.99 USD
Ultimate Cyber Changer Megatron- $24.99 (TLK Knight Changer Hound retool)


Continuity Nutcase
Speaking of them being in a video game world, I hope there's an episode where Optimus has an existential crisis because he forgot himself and accidentally kills an NPC.
And if, in his self-loathing misery, he claims that he cheated when he killed the NPC, someone has to shout in his face "THAT'S NOT WHAT 'CHEATING' IS, YOU STUPID TRUCK!!!"

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Speaking of them being in a video game world, I hope there's an episode where Optimus has an existential crisis because he forgot himself and accidentally kills an NPC.
That would hit different, especially as certain indie games have gone down the whole What Measure is a Non-Human? line of after-game pondering....


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Between this, PotP, the Netflix line, EarthSpark, Legacy, and that Gen Selects two-pack you can get Elita as a boat, jet, space car, off-road SUV, car, and motorcycle.

The Elita Force™️! No matter the terrain, no matter the mission, The Elita Force™️ is there!
Further, posters from around the web more familiar with the comics have noted substantial design similarities with IDW character Riptide

As I’ve come to grips with the line (largely because it didn’t fit the concept I had created in my head)…I can’t find myself to hate it THAT much. Again, so much of my “core childhood” toys fit this EXACT play pattern, be it the numerous microscale lines like Micro Machines or Dino Riders, or GI JOe’s expansive structure, or even frickin’ Micromasters themselves. That’s not to say I don’t still stand by some of my issues (particularly with deco).

Over the weekend, some musings have come to me:
Unrealized Potential price points: Given the standardized ports…there really doesn’t seem like a lot there to capitalize on on that feature. I wonder if, successful, Hasbro might not try their hand again at a sub-$10 accessory type item again, like Minicons or Battlemasters? There’s also a bit of a gap at the $20 price point. Now, maybe Hasbro didn’t want the cannibalize on the Armored assortment, but I think a small vehicle/accessory assortment might work, like the old Action Master “Action Blaster” vehicles.

Easy repaints: Not a fan of Off Road Optimus Prime…but with some deco changes, he might make a solid Ultra Magnus. You have the usual seeker options with Starscream, but I was also thinking of Scarem as a repaint for Chop Shop. Maybe some of these might be on deck for retailer exclusives?


Another babka?
As I’ve come to grips with the line (largely because it didn’t fit the concept I had created in my head)…I can’t find myself to hate it THAT much.
I'd say that I don't have an interest in picking up most of this line based on what was shown but I still dig the creativity shown in the play pattern and designs. Personally, I'm probably gonna get Scorponok, Megs, and Galvy and that'll be in.

But I love the vibe and ideas here and want to see Hasbro expand on it going forward.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't have the energy to hate this line, which is good, because it doesn't quite merit that. I can safely let it pass me by, which is also good, because my wallet's taking enough of a pounding. Some neat ideas and fun things in there, curious enough to have me keeping tabs on it from afar.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
A few more thoughts (don’t worry, I’m about done and need to move on to the OTHER toy brands that showed stuff :p ):

Solitary Grimlock: This broadly extends to Star Wars as well, and I understand Hasbro doesn’t really push THAT much above $30 for its kids lines to begin with, but…I wish there had been a “wave mate” for Grimlock. A Decepticon equivalent at the $30 range, maybe a Tank character or Constructicon. Again, I know why Hasbro doesn’t, but like Star Wars, it feels like there should be a “rival”. At least in Cyberworld, you have the UCC Megatron and Scorponok to mitigate that mild concern.

Ultimate Cyber Changers: Right now, Megatron is a retailer exclusive (Walmart, according to press info), but I’d be curious to see if Hasbro took the “concept” and did some more digging of its old molds. There’s numerous Grimlock figures from RiD15 and TLK (though, at least in 2025, that would be competition with the $30 C&S). But one that caught my eye was the 2017 Hyperflip Optimus Prime (the one with the cannons).
Some minor retooling would allow those cannons to hold figures in vehicle mode, for a “Battle Carrier” vehicle concept.

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