[OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Yeah, I guess to the library it is," Static answered, a little nervousness creeping into his voice. He couldn't shake the bad feeling he had ever since getting the rundown on this mission. It didn't help that the power from the clock tower only seemed to make the unicorn ill...just like Dazzling's magic at his apartment and the police station. They'd fixed the tower, however temporarily. But Static couldn't help but think there was something about it that he was still missing. And now going into what could almost certainly be a COIN stronghold...

Static patted his saddle bag and felt his Will still tucked away in there. Kitchen appliances to Night Cap. Couch and unicorn pendent go back to his parents. Several notes and books to Maple. Everything else to Anchors. He never thought this stuff would mean so much to him. But as he resolved to go face Dazzling...

"For your sake, I hope we never meet again."

Static took a deep, stabilizing breath and hung his head.

There's no time for us
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us
Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever

There's no chance for us
It's all decided for us
this world has only one sweet moment set aside for us

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever
Who dares to love forever
When love must die

But touch my tears with your lips
touch my world with your finger tips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever
Forever is our today
Who lives forever anyway.

"Nothing for it," he said, the nervousness gone from his voice. He clutched the other pendant, the one Anchors entrusted to him, close to his heart can clenched his teeth. "Let's go."

Static looks after Night Cap as he trots off.

[But...but...I really need a hug!]

Static follows.

Night Cap remains the worst friend.

I'm not even disappointed about my post being lost this time. It's funnier this way.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
yeah it kinda plays up how "off" Maple's impression of him seems to the others when this comes right after. lol

like "what are the drugs she's on and how do we all get them?" levels of off


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't know. Advising the mayor to become a monarch was spot on.

Imagine if the mayor took that advice. Ponies would always wonder about the mysterious advisor who forever changed the town, and all Night Cap could say for himself is "Itwasn'tme."

Destron D-69

at Journey's end

Destron D-69

at Journey's end

Not sure who drew this, saw it randomly during a googling -and yep this is likely the closest thing I'll ever see to what Maple's Night Cap looks like ... after she hides the horn and wings of course XD

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
lol and to top it off, Maple manages to talk herself into staying on task and not wandering off into a solo mission


Pittied fools.
I'm glad Dazzling's journal managed to have impact. I don't think anything in either campaign managed to top that reveal (though there were a few fun ones).


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm glad it survived so I finally got to read it. For the sake of method acting, I didn't at the time.


Just plain batty!
In a character arc that had a lot of growing moments for Static, I do think this had to be the one of the most impactful. Just from my point of view, Static's most hated nemesis becomes a bit more "human" in his eyes. Like, anyone remember how Rogue used to be a villlian and Wolverine wasn't to pleased to work with her when she first joined the X-Men? Look at where they are now! It feels so similar to what was started here and I was totally not expecting it.

Like, I know I'm biased, but I could not foresee half of where Statics arc took him and I absolutely love it. I couldn't have asked for a better arc for him if I had planned it.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
that's really what I love about the collaborative story aspect of an RP. it's often the little things that add up over time that take characters places we never intended.

Maple was supposed to be a sweet angel here to help move the characters in a direction away from some of the ooc drama of the arcs prior to her (and my) joining ... I never intended to let her get oh so very influenced by her first two new father figures. who would have ever suspected she'd have absorbed Static's pottymouth and Night Cap's raw animal magnetism with the ladies.


Just plain batty!
Something Static will be eternally sorry for! 😂

When he first started to hear Maple pick up on his language, he tried to clean it up some. But old habits die hard and it was probably too late by the time he picked up on it.

And I still think there were some things he thought were relatively mild that Maple thought were some of the worst things he ever said.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Caldwin said:
Zamuel said:
Curled Page walked over and touched his horn to the tome Night Cap had been flipping through. "'Everything in its rightful place.' There, if something happens to that book, let me know and I can retrieve it."

*slow clap*

Heheh! Poor Night Cap can't get by with anything!

The funniest running gag with Night Cap is him constantly getting checkmated by opponents who don't even know they're playing.

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