Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Somehow still sane
Tidal wave won’t fit too well on my desk so you’re getting bathroom. Blitzing’s hand-guns actually make decent battleship cannons. A quick and dirty sprayjob later and they work real well.

Articulation’s pretty good but figures this size really need a neck to look up/down. Disappointed by the lack of conveniently-placed ports overall. Transformation's decent, nothing special but functional and intuitive. Haven’t tried base mode yet but it looks like a fan mode. Don’t care about the elevator. That gimmick always functioned like crap for me and made me think trash compactor. Didn’t buy Armada Megs so dunno about the supermode parts. Minicon would be cool but eh, I can do without. Hips seem okay so far but I opened them up and greased the internal mechanism to be safe. Decent titan but not exceptional overall.

That said, he can’t assume a push-up pose. 0/10

May go back and do some more detail work but honestly, Hasbro did all the important bits already.

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Two arms and one smile
Nice! I was on the fence about getting Tidal Wave but ultimately, I decided to cancel my preorder. He looks good and all, but he's a character that I'm just not that invested in (especially at the Titan pricepoint). I've got the original, and I am still good with that. I'm glad that this version exists though, because I feel like the design team put a lot into it.


Somehow still sane
I don’t feel ripped off but he feels solidly pretty adequate and that’s about it. Not home runs like Scorponok or Omega but not as wonky as Nemesis.

Base mode won’t fit on the counter so you’re getting floor this time.

Base mode is pretty alright. Looks like a bunker of sorts designed to more guns more often. Has decently well-sefined areas as well. The real problem is that there’s zero base things to do. No compartments, no action features, not even enough space to stand on. Probably because…

He’s pretty small as titans go. Not just height but in mass. I don’t particularly mind but I’d sought him out to be Omega’s counterpart what with the splitting apart thing and he’s noticeably shrimpier.

Oh well, I’m sure DNA’s working on some thighs or shoes to make him taller as we speak. (Joke: I’m not buying those stupid things)

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Base mode is pretty alright. Looks like a bunker of sorts designed to more guns more often. Has decently well-sefined areas as well. The real problem is that there’s zero base things to do. No compartments, no action features, not even enough space to stand on. Probably because…
Dang, I was just about to ask.

That's always disappointing for a base. That's part of why I still had to get a G1 Fort Max after getting the TR one.

In this case, the vehicles are supposed to have that kind of functionality, too, aren't they?


Two arms and one smile
Good pics of that base mode! It looks cool but yeah, without any functionality / play features, it does feel a little shoehorned.

Also, I do agree that Omega and Scorponok were high marks of the modern Titan era. I passed on Nemesis (and Cybertron Metroplex. I guess it has been a minute since I really wanted a Titan!). As mentioned elsewhere though, I do like her ship mode a lot. However, not enough to pay for a robot that I'll never transform her into. I learned that lesson with The Ark and am not interested in repeating it.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Good pics of that base mode! It looks cool but yeah, without any functionality / play features, it does feel a little shoehorned.

Also, I do agree that Omega and Scorponok were high marks of the modern Titan era. I passed on Nemesis (and Cybertron Metroplex. I guess it has been a minute since I really wanted a Titan!). As mentioned elsewhere though, I do like her ship mode a lot. However, not enough to pay for a robot that I'll never transform her into. I learned that lesson with The Ark and am not interested in repeating it.
I wonder if someone would ever make a knockoff that's basically just the spacecraft mode.


Somehow still sane
Let’s talk Tidall Wave. Had him for a couple weeks now and have had time to put him through his paces. My opinion of him’s improved. First of all, this is a customized piece with extra paint aps and some extra accessories but I’ll provide pics with only the stuff that comes out of the box.
Yes, as I am informed, he can look up. That’s great. The joint is scarily tight though.
Here he is stripped down without the Megatron power-up parts it’s alright but he’s very noticeably missing stuff.
with all the stuff in place, he looks good from all angles. Not much to say here since the pics speak for this point better. Previously, I said he was adequate but not exceptional, but with some extra time, he’s grown on me. Yes he’s still somewhat small for a titan but his priority it seems is on great articulation.
His shoulder butterfly joints allow for an insane rang e of motion and he has enough to cross his arms and pull off the Iron Man landing pose. His hips are a bit restricted by the one-piece crotch and buttplates but there’s enough to get him in cool poses.
Here he is with my custom loadout. I picture him as something like King J-Der from Gaogaigar where one of his super move is to stand in place and shoot all his guns at once. The Blitzwing gloveguns make decent battleship cannon batteries and I added Slugslinger’s doublebarreled gun and the shoulder guns and left knee guns are from 3rd party toys I don’t remember.
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Somehow still sane
Next up are the combined modes. First is the stock base mode.
it’s alright. Wish it had more floorspace but it works decently enough in terms of appearance. I particularly like the central un platform.
Here’s the base mode with my stuff on it. It’s the same just with more crap on it.

combined ship mode is like the original. Being unable to transform directly to robot mode kinda sucks but I can see why they did it since the way the legs work would make it difficult to articulate and maintain structural integrity if they attached the way the original did. I headcanon this as a flight mode since it looks more like a spaceship or jet.
Megatron parts are what they are. I don’t have an Armada Megatron so here they are on the Siege mold. They look like Tidal Wave components stuck on- just like the originals. Too bad they can’t make a Mini-Me. Of note is that the 5mm pegs on the boosters are asymmetrically placed, meaning if you don’t or can’t make use of the central peg of the connected parts, the boosters won’t sit symmetrically.
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Somehow still sane
Last are the ship modes. I don’t have much to add, they’re basically the originals in different colors. They roll on tiny wheels and look close enough to ships, though they are noticeably thiccer. I imagine real ships look thinner because part of the hull is submerged.

Aircraft carrier’s a brick. Stays together and rolls well.
My least favorite ship. Doesn’t look great, no features of note, falls in half easily and looks like Tidal Wave’s shoes.
The battleship’s pretty decent but the crotch hanging off the back is extra-noticeable.

A lot’s been said about lacking the gimmicks from the original toy. The compartments, elevator and projectile gimmicks are all MIA. No matter though, Hasbro has included the most important action feature for toy boats. I don’t know why they didn’t reveal this beforehand.
Combined ship mode won’t fit my aquarium.

<unluckiness not liable for any water-based injury or damage>
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Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I didn't take a picture of the alt mode, but the helmet is used to recreate the Jackhammer's assault mode turret. The helmet is removable in robot mode as well, with a sticker giving the robot head a Cliff Dagger eyepatch. It's a pretty well thought out set.


Somehow still sane
Fixed Tidal Wave’s leg boat issues. Tried floor polish on the clips but it didn’t do all that much. Been assembling model kits lately so I took some of the 5mm sprue parts and plugged them into the screwholes on Tidal wave’s left leg. Now he stays together perfectly.
While I happened to have the stuff to do this hanging around, you could accomplish the same with commercially available 5mm styrene rods cut to size. Use a screwdriver to estimate the screwhole depth and cut the rods to size with a blade or model kit nippers, leaving around 5mm sticking out to not be too visible but retain some grip.
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